Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 1

Danielle decided to go to Toronto by herself to see Bon Jovi. That wasn’t her intention. Her actual intention was to go to one of the shows at the new arena in New Jersey on her birthday but her friend and then her boy toy both flaked so she wasn’t able to go. This time she wasn’t about to miss it. Bon Jovi had always been an escape for her, it had always been her favorite band and right now with the lack of anything spectacular going on in her life she really needed this. She needed this time for her and to hell with the rest of the world, she was going to enjoy herself.

Her flight to Toronto was un-eventful, which is good. It was a little lonely to find her bags on her own and find her way to her hotel, on her own. Once there, however, Danielle headed to the arena. She needed this show tonight more than she cared to admit. First though she must have some coffee, her body was in need. She changed into her Philly Soul jersey and jeans and started out towards the arena. Within minutes of stepping out of the subway, Danielle saw her prize up ahead, Tim Horton’s coffee shop. She walked inside the café and ordered her standard French Vanilla Cappuccino with extra vanilla. As she moved down the line to get her coffee she bumped into someone by mistake. “OH I’m so sorry.” Danielle said turning to apologize in person.

“Oh no harm no foul.” David Bryan responded with a smile.