Chapter 11
Jon and Danielle have been lying on the bed when he asked that question so
“I can’t guarantee it’ll work, but also can’t guarantee it won’t work. There are absolutely no guarantees in this world expect some day we’ll die. I’ve always been
very much a planner and organizer but I’m willing to take a chance.”
“Cos I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want someone that wants to love, not wants me per-say but wants to love and be in love. You care about the persona but you’re not in bed with the persona now – your in bed with Jon.” He’d smile and kiss her nose.
“We’re talking marriage and have never even kissed one another.” Danielle would say.
Jon would feel it’s his duty to cure that problem. “How horrible of me. I’m sorry Dani, please forgive me.” He smirks and leans in to kiss her. His lips tenderly take command of hers. Showing her without words what it's like to connect to someone fully. After he pulls back she’d inhale deeply and open her eyes.
“Chemistry?” Jon asks.
“OH hell yeah.” She’d then smirk and pull him to her for another kiss. Jon laughed inside she’s going to be fun.
They kissed for a while and finally fall asleep both thinking of the idea of marrying the other without all the traditional dating being done.
Danielle suffers that night with some wacky dreams. First she dreams they are 65 the first time they say I love you to one another. Then she dreams they can not have good sex, no matter which position they are in it always feels horrible. She woke up with a start and Jon mumbles, “It's ok Del, go back to sleep I’m right here.”
Danielle smirked at his silly sleepy nickname for her and she rest her head on his shoulder. This time good dreams come. They kiss at their wedding and they both feel electricity. She sees the smile in his eyes, this time in the dream the sex is so amazing she constantly wanted more. She even dreams of them sitting on the couch his hand on her very pregnant belly.
~ next morning ~
Jon wake up and can feel after a few minutes that Danielle is awake. “Del are you willing to take a risk with me?”
“Yeah Jon.”
He squeezes her arms in a odd sort of hug. He then looks at the clock. He see’s that it's almost 11am local time. “Is it time to call your boss?”
Danielle got up and make coffee. “I have to sound awake like I’m at the airport. Coffee?”
”Yes please, black.” Danielle sit and have her coffee then call Bryan.
”Hey Bryan it's Danielle what’s up?”
”Not a lot, why are you calling me on a Sunday? Thought you’d still be in Jovi land?” Danielle laughs and looks at Jon to be quiet cos she has Bryan on speaker.
“Well I sort of am. I’m stuck in Canada.”
”What? Why?”
”Well I’m not sure when I gave them my passport to go home they told me to stay here. So far I don’t know anything so it's not looking like I’ll get home today so tomorrow isn’t looking good for work.”
”Well call Bengi in the morning if you can’t get in. I thought you were going to tell me you got arrested or something. So how was the concert?”
Jon laughed that she has this casual of a relationship with her boss.
“Fucking amazing. Toronto is awesome – worth every single second. Not a bad place to get stuck.”
“Well get your butt home we miss you.”
“Yeah sure you do? NO one to pick on or is no one else selling?”
”No one’s selling get home.” Bryan laugh and they’d hang up.
“You know you can go back to WI but we need to figure out a timeframe to get married?” Jon told her after the call.
“Well we have to get married in states – we are after all US citizens.”
“I don’t see a ring yet.” She called him on it thinking he’s joking about this marriage thing.
“ok women lets go!” Jon said and he’d head to the shower and then she would.
After shower – they’d kiss and walk out the door.
“We have to fly to Winnipeg today – do you want your ring from there or here?”
“How’d I know you’d say that?” Jon smiled grabbing Danielle’s hand in the lobby and walking out the front door of the hotel. “Ok where’s that big mall you showed us yesterday?”
Danielle laughed and lead him to the Eaton Center.
Jon and Danielle walked into the Eaton Center and he’d instantly find a jewelry store.
“Hi there, we’d like to look at your engagement rings.” He’d tell the lady behind the counter.
“Do you know what size you’re looking for?” She’d ask knowing exactly who he is.
“3 maybe 4 caret.” He’d tell her.
“NO. Have you seen my small hand that would kill me. One caret tops.” Danielle tells him.
Jon looks at the lady and smiles with a glint in his eye like larger she’ll never know.
The sales lady quickly grabbed some rings and begin showing them rings. Danielle constantly looked at the smallest ring.
Jon looked at the sales lady, “Tasha can you give us a moment.”
”Sure Mr. Bon Jovi.” She then walked away to give them time to talk.
“Del, I love that you’re modest but work with me here ok. The ring has to look like it's intentional. The ring has to look like it belongs there, like I bought it. Del, if the ring is super small it's going to look like a joke considering my estimated net worth. I won’t go for something ostentatious but can you allow me a little control in this area?”
“Ok.” She would answer understanding his reasoning and also respecting how he communicated with her.
Jon motioned Tasha back over and in no time he’s picked out a Emerald cut center stone in a platinum setting with 2 emerald cut side stones. The ring is a total weight of 2ct. But it is very tasteful and doesn’t look overwhelming. The emerald cuts show the brilliance of the stones without making them look like costume jewelry.
”Tasha do you have one in her size you could engrave today?”
“Sure we have one in stock, what would you like engraved?”
Jon grabbed a store business card and write down. “WTWYR, Forever yours Jon.”
He didn't show Danielle the engraving, “We’ll be back in what 30 min?” He asked her.
“That will be perfect.”
Jon took Danielle by the hand and walk out of the jewelry store. “So what do you want to for 30 min?”
“This.” Danielle smiled then kiss him deeply.
“OH I love that.” He smiled. “Why did I earn it?”
”Because when you wanted something other than what I did, you didn’t throw a tantrum you explained it I appreciate that immensely.”
“Hey we get no where if we don’t communicate. I’ve learned that.”
“Awesome. So want to hit a record store.”
“Ahh someone from my generation.”
“A record store. Kids now a days don’t know what a friggin record is.”
“I know my cousin’s kid looks at me like I have 3 heads when I say record.”
Jon smiled and kiss Danielle casually as they walk into the store.
About 40 minutes later, after a few purchases of some new artists Jon and Danielle go retrieve her ring and leave making it back to the hotel just in time to get into the limo to head to the airport.
*Waves hand wildly* I'll marry you Jon...I won't even ask why! Just caught up waiting for things to download, so now I'm waiting 'patiently' for more :-)
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