Chapter 20
Over the course of the next week, Jon and Danielle’s mom learn to like each other.
Danielle and Jon get used to one another being in their life physically.
It doesn’t take them long to get very used to gentle kisses and hand holding. However, the intimate parts at night take a little more time. Jon and Danielle stumble a bit over things that they shouldn’t have to. Like who sleeps on which side of the bed and who gets ready for bed first. Do they sleep to music or not? Little things that they failed to discuss on the phone. All of these things of course are easily remedied and soon Jon and Danielle have an understanding of each others idiosyncrasies.
“Hey Del, we have to go shopping tomorrow.”
“Why Jon?”
”We need to buy wedding rings. We’re getting married in 2 days. Or did you buy mine
when I was on tour?”
“NO I didn’t I didn’t know your size. What kind of ring do you want?” She asked from lying in his arms.
“A plain gold band.”
”Seriously?” She asked.
“Yes and thank you for asking. I wasn’t asked the first time around and had a ring I really disliked.”
”Is that why you never wore it?”
”That and the fact that it wasn’t the right size until about 15 yrs into the marriage, and then I finally got it sized for me.”
“So if I got you a plain gold band you’d wear it?”
“Well I already know from you that’s a deal breaker if I don’t so yes I will. But yes that’s the kind of ring I want.”
“Ok. That should be easy. “
The next morning Danielle and Jon drove the mile into Esky and go into the only two jewelry stores in town. Luckily the second one has a ring that fits both of them. Jon’s plain band in his size and also a plain band to go with Danielle’s engagement ring. Jon lets her know that he may replace that ring for when they are out in public.
“Again it's not about us it's about what the public may think.”
“You can’t be this oblivious to my lifestyle can you? You honestly think that it won’t affect you?” He asked.
”I think it only affects the area of your life you give up control to. Think about it no one touches your kids because you’ve set the expectation that it's not allowed. What my ring looks like is no ones business but ours, its special. My engagement ring came from Toronto where we met and also where you proposed. My wedding ring came from Esky where we got married. That’s all we need to say. I am not a NY Society woman Jon if you need that in your wife we shouldn’t get married.” She said this to him as they are walking hand in hand down the street in Esky.
“Danielle you agreed to be the woman on my arm when I’m on the red carpet.”
”Yes in a tux and I’ll be in a gown and I can be all fake when it's needed. But
that’s not me, that’s not where we are. Jon we are in a town of 16,000 people and they really don’t care what the ring looks like on my hand just that I’m happy.”
~ ~ The Wedding ~ ~
Saturday morning, Jon and Danielle got dressed at the hotel and headed over to Danielle’s mom’s home. She had arranged for a quiet ceremony at the church by her minister. Just Danielle’s mom and Aunts are there. No one else was invited because Jon’s family wasn’t invited. They had told the family there will be a large wedding after he’s done touring and the whole family can participate.
The minister was told this was to be a simple ceremony because of the timing and how everyone on both sides of the family couldn’t be there. Her mom wanted it to be special but not overly drawn out. He chose simple vows but ones that fit the two of them very well. They stood at the altar with the minister in front of them and recited vows that they could live with.
“I, Danielle, take you, Jon, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”
“I, Jon, take you, Danielle, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”
Reverend Scott asked “Will you both answer the following?”
Danielle do you take Jon to be your lawful wedded husband? Jon do you take Danielle to be your lawful wedded wife? (each responds, "I do.") Do you promise to love and cherish her/him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live? (each responds, "I do.") Do you together promise in the presence of your friends and family that you will at all times and in all circumstances, conduct yourselves toward one another as becomes Husband and Wife? (Together they respond, "We do.") Do you together promise you will love, cherish and respect one another throughout the years? (Together they respond, "We do.")
“With the power invested in me in the State Of Michigan I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jon you may kiss your bride.” Reverend Scott states. Once they stop kissing Reverend Scott states.
“Now that you are legally married it only seems right that you should give your spouse a symbol of the commitment you have made today. Please exchange rings as that symbol.”
Jon took Danielle’s ring from the minister and slid it on her hand saying, “Del, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day. Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you. I am honored to call you my wife.”
Danielle took Jon’s ring from Rev Scott and repeated. “Jon, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day. Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you. I am honored to call you my husband.”
After the wedding and the goodbyes shared with Danielle’s mom and Aunt and a sizeable donation left to the church, Jon and Danielle head out to their Wisconsin home. On the way to Wisconsin Jon and Danielle are a bit awkward around each other.
”Del tell me what you’re thinking?” Jon would ask.
“It's just so surreal.” She’d look down at her hand. She’d have simple platinum band resting comfortably with her platinum engagement ring. As much as Jon wanted a simple gold band when they went to look at rings he looked at her engagement ring and realized yellow gold wasn’t going to work so they both wore platinum from now on. Jon quickly looked at his ring, a classic 6mm platinum band with satin center and bright edges with the comfortfit shape.
“What’s surreal? You remember saying those vows to me right?”
“Yes it's just well Jon its New Years Eve and we met 23 days ago and I’m already your wife. It feels like a fairy tale or that I’m dreaming.”
Jon smiled. “When it's right it's right.” Repeating to her what they had been telling people all along about why they got married so quickly. “Baby you aren’t dreaming – OMG I want to marry Jon Bon Jovi – you married me for real.”
Jon smiled and took her hand. “Del don’t let other people get in your head ok? You know what you wanted when we were in Toronto. You wanted to be married, you wanted to stop dating, we made this decision then. Now it's just real.”
”Are you sure this is what you want?”
”Del – yes, when I said I do I meant it. I know what entered into, I have no regrets. I may want to string you up at times in our lives as we get to know one another but I don’t regret this beautiful ring on my hand. Do you regret it?”
”No Jon please don’t think that’s what’s happening here. It's not. I want to be your wife, I’m happy we got married.” She looked down at their joined hands and smiled. “I’ve always dreamed of being married and I thought it was gonna take a miracle for me to find that guy that was willing to say he’d be mine forever. It didn’t take a miracle or me changing or anything, it just took me being me around the right person and poof, I married my favorite rock star.” She smirked.
“That you did Mrs. Bon Jovi and if you’re a good wife I might even sing for you.”
That was such a sweet chapter! Shopping, and a wedding! I'm sure she'll let him sing for her all her wants. I know I would LOL
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