Chapter 7
“I look at my life now and wonder why? Is this where I’m supposed to be? Why did I go to school so long? Why did I pass up love to go to school and be successful. But that song made me realize I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m supposed to be right here, right now.”
”Exactly.” Jon smiled at her. “I know just how you feel.”
"Yeah right you’re married.”
”No I’m not.”
”I came home from writing Lost Highway – well you know how the story was that Whole Lot of Leaving was about Richie and David?”
”Well when I came home I had a dear Jon letter on the table. She basically told me she couldn’t be ‘not quite enough’ for me anymore. As much as I hate her for breaking my heart I can’t fault her because I did this to myself. You said why didn’t you bother I say why did I bother? I look at my life and here I am at 45 I’m broken and beaten and alone in so many ways. I surround myself with people but I'm still alone. I’m not capable of believing in anyone when they say I love you. How do I get in another relationship and believe a woman? The woman I thought would be my everything for the rest of my life broke my heart into a million pieces.”
“The reason you can believe is because you learned something?” Danielle offered.
“Learned what? Don’t take her for granted, make sure she understands how important she is?”
He asked remotely.
“How long ago was the divorce?”
“Have you dated since then?” She questioned.
”Here and there, nothing serious. When she wanted to walk out I didn’t stop her. One thing I have to say is I refuse to fight for someone who doesn’t want to be with me. My kids know it has nothing to do with them, and we still get along pretty well.” His thoughts weren't exactly focused right now, something about this woman told him it was ok to talk. Danielle didn't say anything else she smiled and walked over to David making plans for tomorrow.
The following day, as David planned, Danielle lead Jon, Richie and Ava through a tour of Toronto. “OK what do you guys want to see? Architecture, landmarks, tourist traps?”
“Architecture interests me.” Jon told her actually shocked that she would ask him and not just assume to know what he likes.
“I love the skyline and landmarks.” Richie smirks and Ava just smiles. “Whatever, as long as I don’t freeze.”
Danielle directed them all to the entrance to the subway system and smile. “We’ll go to Casa Loma first, it's the farthest away then focus on downtown.” She’d then get her wallet out and Jon stopped her.
”I’ve got it.” He told her.
“Seriously Jon it's ok.”
“Will you just allow me to be chivalrous?” He asked half laughing and half serious.
Once everyone has a subway pass they walked down to the trains and Richie picks Ava up to protect her and Jon grabbed Danielle’s hand which of course she doesn’t mind.
“It's not scary guys. Really.”
”We’ve heard of subways.” Richie tells Danielle.
“Yes but I’ve ridden them here. It's great.” Danielle directed them to the right train after having checked her map again. When they walk on the train Jon pulled Danielle down next to him while Richie and Ava sit across from them.
“Jon can you silence your cell phone?” Danielle asked.
“Yes I can. I have to call a radio station at some point today for an interview though.”
”I understand that but what I want you to notice, is here they don’t talk on their cell phones
all the time, that’s a purely American thing to do.”
Jon and Richie looked around and sure enough just as Danielle said not one person is on their phone.
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