Chapter 8
They would get off the subway and walk up to street level and Danielle would instantly start walking in the direction of Casa Loma.
“How do you remember this?” Jon would ask her.
“Because this was one of my favorite things I saw here. Besides you can’t really miss it.” She pointed to a huge Castle.
“Daddy can we live in a Castle like that?” Ava smiled.
“Sure baby, on the 2nd Tuesday of next week.”
”Cool.” She smiled not getting it.
Danielle led them to the entrance and Jon paid for her to get in.
“Thank you.”
”No thank you for bringing us here, this looks amazing.”
“Well Casa Loma is amazing. It was the residence of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt in the early 1900's. Pellatt was a military officer knighted by King Edward VII and who made it to the Queens Own Rifles. He was also an industrialist and financier. There is a audio tour which we should get one of it’ll tell us more about each room.”
Richie walked over and got the audio equipment and they started to walk around. Jon never let go of Danielle’s hand. “This castle sits on 5 acres of land and there are amazing gardens outside, that unfortunately are closed now. But there are stables on the grounds that are connected by underground tunnels and a tower that has a amazing view of the skyline.”
”Lets go daddy.” Ava smirked and pulled Richie down a hallway.
Danielle smirked at Jon and told him there is a Harry Potter stairway in this castle.
“A what?”
“You can’t tell me with 4 kids you don’t know what Harry Potter is?”
”Oh I do but I don’t know what you mean by the stairway.”
”Well in Hogwarts they have stairs that change positions remember?”
”OH yeah, I thought they were cool. The stairs move here?”
“No but if you come this way.” Danielle walked up the stairs and looked left then right trying to find the area again. “Well I thought it was this way. There’s this area where like 4 or 5 stairways converge it's a riot.” Finally after roaming through the castle for 30 min they come across what she has deemed the Harry Potter Stairs and Jon takes a picture knowing his kids would approve. The 4 of them spent a good 2 hrs in the castle, everyone even heads up to the towers, down through the tunnels into the stables and finally back to the subway into downtown. They got off the subway and started walking.
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