Chapter 14
“What else do you need babe?” Jon asked Danielle happy they are able to talk like this. Most women he’s ran into get uncomfortable with long discussions on topics such as these so she’s impressing him.
“I need to know you don’t do drugs.”
“I don’t touch the shit I did as a kid and I don’t touch it now” Jon told her quickly and honestly.
“my husband can’t smoke.” She told him.
“oh shit.”
“You smoke?” She knew the answer to this but needed him to tell her for sure.
“yeah why can’t your husband smoke?”
“Oh three little things: it's gross, I have asthma and it causes breathing problems, and I hate kissing ashtrays.” She'd look at Jon and then smile. “Rethinking your decision Jon?”
“No, I just have to figure out a way to stop smoking real quick.”
“you think you can.”
“Yep – I have a reason to- you. I didn’t smoke til I started doing movies, I’m not doing movies anymore so it should be relatively easy to quit. How long do I have to stop?”
“The day you make me your wife.” She knew somehow that he is all in on the idea of them getting married so she has to be there too. This is one of those things that will show her for sure if he will make sacrifices for her, God knows she’ll be making enough for him. The thought of moving to Jersey, leaving her friends and family, quitting her job, all of the sacrifices she can see are on her side so she’s pushing to see if he’s also willing.
“Shit.” Jon laughs – “and I want this to happen fast. Any leeway?”
“Not unless you don’t want to sleep with me.”
“Unacceptable. – alright I guess I’m done.”
“You’re serious.”
“I have to be. I’m not about to give this opportunity up I’m not about to walk away from it smoking isn’t that important to me I’m done.”
“You’re serious you can quit?”
“I don’t have an option – I told you I’m 100% serious about us, and if one of the things you won’t deal with is a smoking husband you won’t have one.”
“You’ll seriously stop smoking for someone you barely know?”
“Do you believe I just bought an engagement ring for you today?”
“Do you believe I’m going to give it to you?”
“At some point yes,”
“Then you have to believe what I tell you. I want you and I to get married and I want it to work. I don’t know why I want it so bad but I do. If what you need in a marriage is a husband that does not smoke then that’s what I’ll be.”
“What’s something you need from me?” Danielle asked now willing to discuss things on a whole deeper level.
“I need to know you can walk a red carpet in heels and look dignified. You don’t have to wear
them all the time but I need to know you can do it.”
”Can you walk in heals?”
”Kind of.”
“Would you be willing to take the types of classes to teach you? Like etiquette class?”
“OK see, this is going to work very well. We’re both doing what we need to do. Talking and getting things out in the open. We’re bringing things up to each other that we know will bug the hell out of us later. Will you also remove all the hair from your body except on your head?” Jon asked hoping this conversation would go as easy as the last one.
“You don’t like hair anywhere?”
”Pretty much.”
“And you want me to walk in heals and a gown with dignity and the hair thing comes in where?”
”To make sure there is never any showing anywhere, besides it's a personal preference on a woman, I love the feel of her skin and I hate how hair feels against a woman.”
”But yet you have chest hair and I’m assuming hair other places.”
”Yes but I’ll remove it if you want.”
”Seriously whichever way you like my chest I’ll make it happen, with hair – I’ll leave it, if you don’t like it I’ll wax it or get electrolysis and remove it permanently. Can you say the same thing? That you’ll remove the hair everywhere but here.” He’d say running his hand into Dani’s long brown curls.
“Damn I ask you to stop smoking – you ask me to permanently change my body.”
“I know this is a big one. This is asking a lot but it would be for your husband.”
“Oh playing that card already.”
”If it works – yep.”
”Seriously Jon this is something that’s a deal breaker for you? What if I nair it?”
”comes back to quick and then it's picky. Like my stubble. Waxing your pussy would hurt, I hate when they wax my chest for a movie role so I can only imagine down there.”
“Jon seriously if this is something you need your wife to do. Then I’ll do it for you.”
“Damn this is soo gonna work..” He’d happily take her in his arms for a kiss.
“what’s something you need” Danielle asked him.
“Need or want?” Jon clarified.
“first we talk about needs.” Danielle smiled and gave him a soft kiss.
“I need a woman that likes to cuddle – didn’t have that before, I mean she’d cuddle with me for about an hour when I first came home. Like she was shocked, oh my GOD he’s here I love him again. Only the 1st day other than that it was Jon I have to do this or that. I like to cuddle and touch my woman.”
“Well honey, I love to cuddle and touch but can we shut off the light and try to get some sleep while talking.”
Jon laughed at how silly Dani sounded but he knew what she means. “Ok honey lets sleep while we talk.” He smirked and kissed her.
“What else do you need Jon?” She’d want to be sure she can be what he needed.
“What happens with us stays between us.”
“I can’t talk to my friends about a fight we have?”
“Fights ok to talk about with friends, general relationship stuff is fine, but when I talk to you about a fear of mine I want that between us only.”
“Sure Jon. Without a doubt.”
Jon and Danielle talked into the early morning. He’d wake up finally with his arms tenderly wrapped around his woman. When he is fully awake he realized that Danielle will be getting on a plane in a few hours and they have yet to make it official. He’d get out of bed and start coffee, head to the bathroom and on his trip back he grabs the ring from his suitcase. He’d take it over to bed with him and returns to holding her.
He placed the ring in front of Danielle and then starts kissing her neck to wake her up. He’d hold her tight in his arms and smile as he feels her stir. “Danielle, good morning sweetie.”
“Morning Jon.” She’d mumbled not yet awake.
“Sweetie, thank you for last night. It was amazing to just talk with you and cuddle and realize that we are going to have the best time spending our lives together. We’re going to be able to talk to each other about anything. I truly believe when you and I become husband and wife we are both going to be going into it for all the right reasons.” Jon would then flip the lid open on her ring. “Danielle will you marry me?”
Danielle can’t look at Jon by the way he is holding her. She wiggled around and he loosens his arms still holding the engagement ring in his hand.
Once Danielle can see him she smiled. “Yes Jon I’ll marry you.”
He’d take her hand in his and bring it up to his mouth and kiss her ring finger. He then slid the engagement ring on her hand before kissing her breathless.
Boy is he a little demanding! Not saying I wouldn't do it for him, but sheesh. I love the open communication!
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