Chapter 18
“Which curves?” Del smirked into the phone playfully.
“The ones I love hanging onto. Like you’re breasts, your hips, your ass.”
“Well I still have all 3 of those things.”
“Del I swear if when we finally see each other you’re a size 2 I’m gonna be pissed.”
“I’m not don’t worry about it.”
“How much weight have you lost?”
“Lost would indicate I’m trying to find it I’m not in search of this.”
”Dell I’m trying to be serious here. I like women with curves. I normally turn my head at a size 8 to 12. Where are you now?”
“I’m just passing Cedar River should be in Esky in 20 minutes.”
”Del your starting to make me angry. Tell me you haven’t changed your whole body.”
”Damn Jon you are no fun today – no I didn’t ok. Now I’m going to let you go cos this conversation is no fun for me.”
”Danni all of our conversations aren’t going to be fun. That’s the beauty of getting married. The other beauty is that when they aren’t fun we have them anyway. You don’t get to walk out the door on your husband so we need to finish this conversation.”
”Jon I don’t like you right now so it's not a good time for us to talk.”
”Wait a minute let me see if I have this right? You don’t like me because I want you to keep weight on?”
“Ok when you put it like that my reason for being mad sounds stupid.”
”Thank you I win.” Jon smirked.
“You’re a brat.” Del told him with a laugh.
“Yes I know but you’re going to marry me anyway.” Jon smirked.
Jon laughed out loud and smiled. “Are you in Esky yet?”
”Yes brat I just pulled onto mom’s street.”
”Ok take care baby and I’ll see you soon.”
Christmas Eve, 9pm.
“Ok mom, Jon and I will meet you at church I’m going to go get him at the airport?”
“Why are you going alone? Why don’t we just go get him together and then go to church?”
”We can mom but do you really want to meet my fiancée at the airport?”
“Better than meeting him for the first time like everyone else in the church.”
“Ok but please let me go in first he doesn’t know you’ll be there with me.”
“Ok sweetie.”
Danielle and her mother got dressed for church and then drive out to the airport. Danielle jumped out of the car immediately and ran into the airport just as she saw Jon walk inside and smiled. That million dollar grin that says OMG Where is civilization? “JON!” Danielle said and he smiled at his fiancée.
”Del!” The two took 3 steps and be in one another’s arms.
Jon and Del kiss for almost 5 minutes before they separated to grab Jon’s suitcase and she told him her mom is outside waiting for them.
”What? I didn’t know I was meeting your mom right now.” Jon quickly tucked his shirt in and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Well she didn’t want to meet you the same time everyone else does.”
”OK well it's a good thing I’m a great guy.” Jon smiles and Del would kiss him.
‘Oh and we’re going to church after that.”
“Well lets go this is going to be fun.” Jon smirked as he took her hand.
They walked out to the car Jon squeezed her hand a little tighter as Danielle’s mom got out of the car. “Mrs. Jacobson hello, I’m Jon.” Jon let go of Danielle's hand and shake her mom’s hand. Mom ignored the hand and give him a hug.
“Hi Jon, it's nice to meet you, welcome to the family, and it's mom.”
Jon and her mom get along perfectly. She’s very impressed that he has short hair, polite and looks like a normal guy.
“Danielle I thought you told me this was that guy that was on your walls?” Mom asked after they all get in the car and mom insists that Jon sit up front with Danielle.
“Mom – he doesn’t need to know that and it is.”
“NO it isn’t that guy looked like a woman with all that hair. Jon is a nice respectable gentlemen.”
They spend the next 20 minutes driving through town while Jon and Danielle’s mom Fran spent some time talking and getting to know one another. The three of them arrived at moms’ church for Christmas Eve service. Danielle greeted people who’ve known her since she was ‘this big’.
While in Church Jon enjoys himself completely. He and Danielle are like any other newly engaged couple, everyone is impressed at her ring, everyone is happy for them and they are friendly enough.
One person walks up to them though at Church that just rubs Danielle the wrong way. “OH Danielle hi there Merry Christmas.” Jessica said as fake as she spoke in high school.
Danielle knew she’s just saying hi because of who’s hand she is holding.
“Merry Christmas. I’m sorry do we know each other?” Danielle asked and squeezed Jon’s hand letting him know there’s a reason for her not introducing him.
“Danielle, we had class together many times, we were in band together, softball.”
Danielle found no reason to pretend with her. “Jessica I do know who you are, but I’m choosing not to encourage you. We were never friends in High School, you’ve seen me home for Christmas at least 9 times since HS and have never bothered to say Merry Christmas to me any other year so please enjoy your holiday and HAVE A NICE DAY.”
Danielle walked outside with Jon and want to scream. Instead he took her in his arms and held her. “Baby don’t let her get to you. I’m here. I’m yours and we’re gonna make it forget about her. Merry Christmas love.”
Aww Christmas together! Can't wait to hear all about it. And I'm glad she didn't change that much :-) More please!
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