Chapter 17 **
The next day Danielle headed to work, everything starts normal, she goes to the morning meeting and tells the funny story (The lie) that she wasn’t allowed through customs the first day and how it was all sorted out on Monday some computer glitch. She’d call her accounts say goodbye to the few she cares about of course she doesn’t say too much just enough for them to know it's pretty much a final goodbye.
Towards the end of the day Danielle looked at Bryan and asked him for a meeting.
They quickly walked into a QA room and she handed him her formal resignation.
“What the hell is this?”
”It's my resignation Bryan.”
”Yes but why?” He asked, not knowing she was unhappy here, but then noticed her hands on the table her ring stoods out and he took her hand.
“Does it have something to do with this rock? Holy hell Danielle I didn’t know you were engaged?”
”It happened this weekend. I’m moving Bryan to be with him.”
“Since when do you follow a guy?”
“Never that’s why I’ve gotta take this risk now. I’ve always lead by my head and my heart be damned but I can’t do that this time. I’ve got a chance to be truly happy here so I have to risk
“Well you’ll always have a job here.”
“Thanks I needed that.”
Bryan gave Dani a hug. “So do you want to work for the last 2 weeks or not?”
”Honestly Bryan I’ve got a whole lot of lose ends to tie up, the house and all my bills to get in order. Can I just finish this week?”
”Sure, any time you need off just email me that you’ll be using incentive time.”
The next few weeks actually passed quickly, Danielle finished up the last of her appointments to get all the hair removed, the final polishing on her teeth because she used the money to do all the crowns and what not the dentist had recommended. She finalized the plans for the landscaping company to keep up her yard. She also drove back home to her mom’s for the holiday.
As she was driving to her mom’s Jon called.
“Hey baby” He’d say surprised he caught her by her phone. He’s missed her the last 2 times he called.
“Hey Jon. How are you doing?”
”I’m doing great. I miss you Del.” He’d admit right away. He can’t even believe how much he’s come to care for this woman in such the short amount of time they’ve known each other.
“I miss you to Jonny.”
“Jonny?” He’d never get used to that nickname from her if she was going to keep it.
“I like it. Got a problem with it?”
“Well yes if it was anyone else it wouldn’t be allowed but since it's my soon to be wife you’ll get away with it.”
“Ha I have power.”
”Yep, a little bit.” He’d smile. “So Del got any hair left?”
“Nope. The stinging is done.”
“Stinging? Isn’t electrolysis pain free?”
“Not quite Jon.”
”OMG Baby I’m sorry I thought it’d be the pain free way to get rid of the hair.”
“Jon it's ok, it's just that I was having the treatments so close together that’s why they stung a bit but it's all over now.”
”So did you do anything else that I should be aware of?”
“Like what?”
“You didn’t change anything else did you?” Jon asks.
“um…not much.”
”Danielle what did you do?” Jon asks.
”Well you told me that I could use the card right?”
“Yes of course but you didn’t turn Hollywood on me?”
”no I just fixed some wrongs.”
“When I had my breasts chopped off one was bigger than the other. I had that fixed. I didn’t like certain things and wouldn’t feel comfortable with being naked in front of you so I fixed it. Been working out a bit, I tanned.”
“I want a woman with curves. Del you still have your curves don’t you?”
Uh-oh I don't know if me or Jon like that she's trying to change herself for him. I'm curious to see just how much she did and what he does/thinks.
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