Chapter 22
Jon rolled his eyes and moved off of Danielle. This is the part of their relationship that is going to drive him insane. Her insecurity concerning his commitment to her annoys him.
“Are you done yet?” Jon ask annoyed.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “What?”
“Are you done with this I’m 2nd to Dot shit yet?”
“NO it's true.”
”You’re right it is true. I’ve never denied that and I’m quite upset that you are pulling this. Danielle you knew before we got married I’d been married before, fact. You also knew that I was married to the woman that was my high school sweetheart, fact. You also knew that I have 4 children with her, fact. Why the hell are you now upset about me having a past with her? You have to learn how to stand by what you tell me. You told me you could accept that before I put the engagement ring on your hand and now you’re going back on your word to me. You are my 2nd wife there is nothing I can do about that. If she and I wouldn’t have gotten divorced I wouldn’t be with you that is a fact. I’d still be married to her and in my safe world. But instead I’m here, in Wisconsin with a woman who has taken a solemn vow to be with me forever. Danielle get over it. Accept the fact that Dot will always be a part of our lives she’s my children’s mother. She does not take priority over you – you are my wife, you are the woman I agreed to spend the rest of my life with, you are the woman I’m trying desperately to love despite all of the walls you keep throwing up around your heart. You are 2nd in numerical order only, Dot is my ex-wife you are my wife. Can you figure out a way to classify that in your head?”
“Damn Jon why couldn’t you just say honey I’m with you now and hug me.”
“Because when I do that you don’t listen and this same type of conversation is getting very old for me. I’m not going to apologize for having been married before because if I do I have to basically say I regret it and I don’t, not at all. I’ve had a great love life. Now I want one with you if you’ll remove the walls and let me in, instead of finding reasons for us to fight.”
“I’m sorry Jon.” Danielle realized what he says is true. She is just pulling back, the same thing she always does when a guy starts to get to close.
“Why do you do this? Why do you pull away right after you open up a little?”
“It's hard to explain.” She told him.
“Del I have the rest of my life. Talk to me.”
“Nobody sticks around that I love. They leave or die. So when you get close to getting me to let you in it scares me.”
”That you’ll lose me? That’ll I’ll leave or die?” Jon asked understanding a little more he thinks as to why she does some of the things she does.
“Yes, my dad, grandfather, my uncles, the men in my life don’t stick around.”
”Honey they didn’t leave you on purpose and I won’t either. Honey look at your left hand, what do you see?”
”My wedding ring.”
“What did I say when I put that ring on your hand not more than a week ago?”
“Jon…” She started and tears fell. Jon took her left hand and twisted her ring around to get her to look at him.
“Del, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day. Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you. I am honored to call you my wife.” Jon kissed her so tenderly she almost couldn’t feel his lips. “Danielle I meant every word of that then and forever. Let me in sweetie, let me love you. Let yourself love me.”
After a see-ya soon lunch with Helen and Doug Del completely wanted to let herself love Jon. He casually put Doug in his place about 20 times. Every time Doug tried to get all high and mighty about his job, Jon reminded him it's an elected position and he is to serve the public first not his own ego. At least that’s what his friends Bill and Al tell him. Jon name dropped as appropriate to let Doug know he’s not the most all knowing, all powerful lawyer he seems to believe he is. Doug then tried to outsmart Jon and he’d talk circles around him in business sense. Del held Jon’s hand with the largest smile on her face. She and Helen laughed at the virtual pissing contest the guys are having.
When they arrived back home Del turned and pulled Jon into her arms and kissed him so deeply. “What was that for lover?” Jon asked.
“I am so honored to be your wife.”
“Really?” Jon asked.
“Yes, I love that you can hold your ground with anyone. It is so sexy to be with a man who is not ashamed of who he is, a man who is confident that he is accomplished and a man who is as giving and generous as you are.”
Jon and Del made love and then fled back to Jersey in the morning.
When they arrived back in Jersey, Jon let them into the house and Danielle started to roam around the house while Jon returned calls he’s missed. She didn’t know of course that she was going to run into anyone. Danielle walked into a woman who’s not wearing any uniform or anything so she’s a little shocked.
“Hello?” Danni said.
The lady turned around and smiled at Danielle. “Hi Danielle how are you?”
”I’m doing great but you’ve caught me at a disadvantage I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are?” Danielle would say politely not sure if this is someone in Jon’s family or not.
“I’m Jessi, I live here, pretty much the maid, household organizer, and babysitter for the kids you name it. Jon didn’t tell you there’d be other women roaming around your house huh?”
“No Jon has a habit of not telling me details.”
“You’ll get used to that.”
“I take it he’s done that to you as well?”
“OH yes. For no apparent reason we’ll suddenly have 50 people in the house and I’m supposed to have dinner ready to feed them.”
“The next time he does that, let me know I’ll beat him.”
“He’ll like it”
“I take it you’ve been around Jon a very long time.” Danielle smiled openly.
“I was the first person he hired after he made it in ‘the big time’.”
Jon walked around a corner then and smiled. “Jessi are you telling my wife lies about me?”
“I’m not telling your wife anything she didn’t already know about you.” Jessi laughed.
“Yes you are – we’ve been on the road or at her place she didn’t know I’m a slob.”
”Yes I did Jon”
“I was good at our house in Wisconsin.”
“Only because you never put any clothes on that’s why you didn’t have to take any off.”
Jessi and Danielle laughed at Jon’s expense and he just smiled. He’s happy his wife feels at ease here.
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