Chapter 23
He took her hand and started walking around the house and he showed her certain things and let her bum around on her own. Three or four different times his cell phone rang and he looked at the numbers and ignored the calls. One time however it's his mother and he looked at Del, “I’m sorry sweetie I have to take this one its my mom.”
“Ok fine I’ll just entertain myself.”
“Yeah mom.” He smiled as he opened the phone to answer it and Danielle found some contentment in the fact that he ignored business but not family.
Jon kept an eye on Danielle as she’s walking around and noticed she was about to walk into what was the master bedroom.
“mom I’ve got to go." His eyes opened wide.
”Jon I just”
”Sorry mom I love you but I’ve gotta go.” Jon hung up on her and ran up to Danielle reaching her as her hand touched the doorknob. “Ok you don’t want to go in there.”
“I thought you said this was my house too.”
“OH it is honey. But that’s not a room you want to see."
“You’re trying to tell me it was your master bedroom with Dorothea and you have yet to redecorate it.”
“Um, exactly.”
“Well I still want to see it.” Danni moved to turn the door handle.
“I don’t want to go in there.” Jon admitted.
“Because for the 1st six months I couldn’t believe it was over. I kept thinking that maybe it was a horrible dream, and then I left for the tour and I didn’t think of it so I never did it.”
“So you have a room in this house you refuse to step foot in?” She was astonished that this room could hold such power over him. ”You do realize that’s the first room I’m re-decorating right?”
”Jon do those ghosts still haunt you?”
”Not nearly as much as they used to.”
“Why did you keep the house if there’s rooms you won’t go in because of the memories?”
”Because, for no better reason than I can afford it. I love my space. After touring for so long and living in such cramped quarters I need to have space to spread out and this house is
“This place is so not my style.”
”I know which is why you have free reign to redecorate it.” Jon says by way of making it all better.
”I know but even after I redecorate it, it still won’t be me. It's just huge.”
“It's not quite as big when everyone is here, when the kids are running around or the band show up with their families. Wait til you see the holidays, the house gets small then. When I’m home from a tour it's normally kind of like a holiday. The band and I will take about a month off when we come home – we won’t see each other, after that we are hanging out again.”
“When do we leave for Europe?”
“About a week.” Jon replied.
“Can you get someone out here so I can tell them my plans on decorating?”
“Yeah I can have someone out here tomorrow.” Jon would say confidently.
“Will I have that kind of power?” She asks astonished.
“You do have it you just don’t know how to wield it yet.” He kissed her tenderly and she turned to walk into what is now their bedroom.
He opened his cell phone and called his decorator – “Anthony I need you out here tomorrow.”
“Jon I’m in NY with a client. What needs to be done? Do I need to come up for it?”
“You need to come up – I got married again and my wife wants to redecorate the house which means a lot of money would be coming your way.”
“4pm work?”
“perfect – see you then.” Jon smiled and joined Danielle in the bedroom.
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