Chapter 34
"You want to go to the beach?" Danielle asked on the plane ride back to the US.
"It's February!"
"So its not like we have to go swimming."
"And what would you like to do besides swim my lovely wife." Jon
smirked dropping his sunglasses off his eyes to let her see the smile in his blue orbs.
"I was thinking a little this, a little that. You know." She smirked back.
"No I don't know Mrs Bongiovi." Jon grabbed her and pulled her closer to him.
"Please fasten your seat belts we'll be landing shortly." The captain advised over the intercom.
"Look we're home."
"Brat you'll pay for that." Jon smirked.
"Promises Promises." Danielle laughed.
~ ~ ~
As they walked into the house, Danielle smiled Anthony had done good. The house was redone, and looked nothing like the house Jon and Dot lived in.
"Baby what did you have him do?"
"You don't like it?"
"Actually I love it, I love that its ours and we're both seeing it for the first time together, makes it more ours in a way. Is Anthony done completely?"
"No he said there were a few more rooms he didn't get to yet but they are ones that you never used anyway."
"Well come on woman, lets go see our house I can't wait to see your style. So far I love the earth tones."
Jon let Danielle lead him into what he knows to be the pool. Never a room he's spent much time in other than to exercise since it was always incredibly bright. His eyes just couldn't handle it.
What Jon encountered reminded him again of the beautiful woman he had married. "Baby I love this." He told her while taking her in to his arms.
"Yes. It looks like our personal little relaxation hideaway." Jon would kiss her temple an take her hand and walk around the pool. He didn't know how she had managed this but the pool was different. This one was still a rectangular pool but now it was all set in with the walls. Which looked to be stones you'd find outside set together in perfect harmony to build up the walls. The far end of the pool had actually small waterfall.
"A waterfall?"
"Well to me they are peaceful. After seeing the kind of stresses your under on a regular basis I thought having a tranquil place to relax would be welcome."
"Baby the stone work around this whole room and the waterfall, you thought of everything."
"Actually I did." She'd smirk and hit the light switch. Inside the pool and the jacuzzi lights would come on and behind the waterfall. Also all around the top of the walls aiming at the ceiling lights would appear, removing even more of the harsh lighting leaving them basking in a evening oasis. "Wanna relax a bit Jon?" She'd ask walking over to the Jacuzzi and removing her clothes.
"You're serious? Naked jacuzzi with you?"
"We are the only two with the access code to this pool, no kids allowed this is just for the peace and quiet you need and the daringness I feel." Danielle said stepping naked into the foaming hot water. Jon instantly removed his clothes and joined her. Once inside the hot tub he takes her in his arms and looks around.
He sees the natural basalt rock for the waterfall. He notices all the plants, there are enough of them in here to make sure the fresh air remains but also so it doesn't look cold and hotel like. This pool area is seriously a sanctuary for him. His wife has done it; she created a spot in the house which shows just how deeply she understands what he wants and needs.
After they played in the pool for about an hour the relaxed couple got out and got dressed again.
“Wow you hit the nail on the head baby.” He kissed Del again. As they exited the pool area Del smiled, “Glad you like it, the code is our anniversary by the way.”
“Ah making sure I remember the date huh?” He teased knowing full way she wouldn’t play that game it was just probably an easy code to give Anthony via email.
“Absolutely.” She smirked and pulled him into her arms again for a kiss. Come on I have one more room to show you tonight before we go to bed.”
“Oh bed, has that room been redone too?” Jon asked.
“Yes baby it has.” Danielle took his hand and led him to his music room. “I’m 100% the opposite of Dot in one category. I want your guitars and music throughout the house. I also understand though that you need a place in the house that’s all yours, so I had your music room redone. I hope you like it.”
When Jon walked into what he knew to be his music room, his eyes behold elegance. What was once just a piano and old tattered furniture has been transformed by someone that loves him and his music equally. Someone now understands his need to just escape into his songs.
Everything had been redone. The floor was once carpeted but was now a deep oak hardwood floor. The center of the room covered with an elegant maroon and blue area rug. The walls had been repainted to a light tan, muted so even when the sun blazed in the rounded floor to ceiling windows at the end of the room, it wouldn’t blind him. The ceiling was what blew his mind. He’d never imagined she’d put so much thought into making this room a haven for him. She had the ceiling redone so now it looked like it had incased lighting and round molding. The way the lighting was set it made the ceiling have such a royal glow to it.
Jon walked to the right. He saw bookcases and couldn’t think of what would be in there. As he approached he realized the books were not only everything ever published on Bon Jovi but also books on guitars, books discussing piano tuning and how to play fiddle. She had taken the time to truly furnish this room with everything he’d ever need or want. As he turned around and took the room in, he ran his hand over the back of the maroon suede couch, noticing the light tan armchair next to the couch. He wondered if that’s where she’d sit when he played the baby grand piano set up to watch out the windows. Or his guitar that was placed next to the piano for easy reach. Maybe she’d sit across the room in one of the light brownish red armchairs and watch him from behind, she did love his back view she’s told him many times.
Jon closed his eyes and sang a scale. The perfection and acoustics in this room was music to his ears. It almost sounded like he was in a theater. The other thing that came to mind when he closed his eyes was the smell. Or maybe lack there of. His old music room had no plants so it didn’t have much clean air. Get him in here after a night of drinking and you’d smell the alcohol the next day. This room however had multiple large plants and decorative plants that did wonders for keeping the air not only breathable but clean.
“If there’s anything you don’t like I’ll tell Anthony to change it.” Danielle told him from the doorway.
“Get over here.” Jon ordered in a light tone. Danielle figured she messed something up so she walked hesitatingly to his side while he stood by the baby grand. “Yes.”
“I love you; you are the best wife in the universe. This is perfect, this room, the acoustics, the fact that it no longer smells like a gym locker in here. You did this for me.”
“Yes honey, you need a place to just escape into your music, I don’t think you should be sent to a dungeon for that.” She explained smiling softly happy she didn’t mess things up. Of all the rooms she had Anthony redecorate this room made her the most nervous.
“Which of these chairs is going to be where you sit and watch me when you sneak in trying to not disturb me?” He grinned knowing her so well already, being a fan meant she was going to always be in love with the rock star Jon as well as the man.
Danielle smirked knowing she’s busted. “That one.” She pointed to one of the tan chairs that will be behind him when he’s sitting at the piano.
Jon took her hand and walked her to the chair standing her in front of it for a moment before starting to remove her pants.
“What are you doing?”
“Breaking the chair in right.” Jon smirked as he got her pants and panties off then pushed her back so her ass ended up in the chair, a shock look on her face while Jon lowered his own jeans before kneeling in front of her.
“What are you doing?” She asked again hoping this time he’d stop making all her fantasies fail in comparison to the real man she was now married to.
“Loving my wife. Enjoy baby.” Jon quickly moved his hands to her thighs opening her and placing her legs on the arms of the chair,
“mine.” Jon moaned before quickly attacking her. His mouth found her clit without a moment’s hesitation, her body already primed from the play time they had in the pool, it took no time at all for her to be ready for him and he completely took advantage of that. Within minutes he slid his cock home. The chair had such a straight back on it, it made them conform to a different position but that was half the fun. Getting deep enough inside her to make her cum was a task Jon was all to willing to accept. Her body in this position was tighter than she normally was in the throws of orgasm he could only imagine how great she’d feel when she came.
“Jon OH GOD Jon!” Danielle screams as he pushes her closer and closer to the edge.
“OH baby yes!” Jon answers his body feeling it, his back is bent in the most uncomfortable way but she feels too good around his cock for him to change positions. As he pushes deeper inside his wife they both scream in orgasm. Jon couldn’t take it anymore as soon as he has the ability to think again he pulled her out of the chair and cuddles with her on the hard wood floor that feels better than the position they were just in.
“The floor?” Danielle asks as she cuddles to him.
“I think I may have broke my back with that last position.” Jon tells her.
“Are you serious?” She asked actually worried about him.
“I’m in pain honey; just hold me it’ll get better in minute. I’m just not as young as I used to be.” Jon told her not wanting to let on exactly how much pain he was really in.
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