Chapter 33
“Baby lets go to bed.” Jon encouraged Dani and started to lead her to the back of the bus.
“Hey that’d be great honey but you have a show to do in about 30 minutes.” Danielle reminded him.
“Shit, stay horny I’ll be back.” Jon kissed his wife and ran off the bus back into the arena and onto the stage within minutes.
Danielle chuckled at the fact that he almost forgot about a show. Too busy thinking with his cock. Danielle changed into a skirt and a red Have A Nice Day Baby T. She grinned at the tightness of the shirt because Jon keeps telling her she can pull it off. She ended up in the audience and rocked out with the rest of the crowd. After the concert when the band is about to take the stage for the final encore Danielle made her way back to the stage exit. She wanted Jon in the worst way. Watching him enticingly tease the crowd into a frenzy of sexual tension. Danielle knew that after a show like that most of the men in the audience that came to the show with a woman were going to get laid very well tonight.
Jon exited the stage to high fives and slaps on the back and smiles. Once he sees his wife though he immediately extricates himself from the crowd and walks over to her, “Hey sexy.” Jon wrapped his arms around her bare waist, “I think I’d like to see you in the bus.”
“Don’t you need a shower?” She smiles from the embrace she's enjoying.
“Yes, but aren’t you just going to get me sweaty again?”
“OH I will but not this sweaty. Come on I’ll show you where the shower is.”
Jon followed Danielle to the bus and got into the shower that she pointed out. “Don’t change I wanna take that off you.” He’d kiss her.
“Ok sexy.” Danielle told him as he stepped into the shower. After he is in the shower Jon’s assistant knocked on the bus door and Danielle answered it.
“HI this is the Giants/Green Bay game for Jon.”
“Ok thanks Tracy.” She then left and Danielle was left with a quandary. Does she seduce Jon when he gets out of the shower or give him the copy of his football game and be left alone for 2 hours while Jon watched it?
“Hey sexy I’m all clean now, care to make me dirty again?”
“I’d love to sweetie but I have an admission to make.”
Jon wrappd his arms around his wife and kiss her neck. Nibbling and teasing.
“What do you have to be honest about?”
“Tracy just delivered a copy of the Green Bay/Giants game so do you want to do me or watch the game?” She’d ask hoping he’d pick her.
Jon took the DVD and put it on top of the TV and Danielle’s face dropped, Jon turned around and took her back in his arms. “Games’ already over and cold they played in Green Bay, you aren’t cold. Can I unwrap my present?” Jon asked.
“Am I a present?” Danielle asked eagerly.
“My present.” Jon would slowly pull her t-shirt over her head. Revealing a red lacy bra and nipples so erect you’d think he’d been sucking on them for the last 20 minutes.
Jon’s hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs taunting her already aching buds. “Tease” Danielle moaned.
“I’m not teasing, I’ll fulfill you all night lover.” Jon kisses his wife and laid her down on the bed following with his body. She arches up to him. Eagerly anticipating his touch, his caress. She moves close enough to smell the fresh clean scent of her just showered husband. His body needs hers, as much as mentally he knows he should be able to just hold her and be satisfied. That won't work tonight. Tonight because of what they discussed and as open as she was with him, he has to show her in a way he knows she'll understand that he truly does love her, all of her, even the parts that she's scared to reveal. Right now, all he can think of and all he wants is, to bury his body deep inside hers and make her scream his name.
“Jon please, I need you.” She moaned making him smile into her neck.
“Louder honey, moan for me louder.” He loved hearing her. He can’t wait to hear her sharp intake of breath as his body takes possession of hers. He's shocked that as of now, only a little over a month into their marriage, he already anticipates certain things from his spouse. He knows when he enters her body she moans, but its not sexual almost its more of fulfillment, almost like her body is happy to have him inside. He needs to hear that now. Reading the situation by moving his hand down to move her panties and realize she wasn’t even wearing any, “Sexy naughty wife.” Jon would slide two fingers inside.
“All yours.”
“Damn I love you.” Jon wasted no time he just moved on top of her and replaced his fingers with his cock. The feeling of her juices over his fingers hardens him even more. Her eagerness for sex is another facet of this marriage that makes him happy with the decision they made to not take things slow.
“OHHH” Danielle inhaled and made Jon give her a delighted look. Damn he loved her body’s reactions to his, while completely predictable it enticed him more every time. The inner ego trip loved the rush of knowing he could make her whimper for his touch. He moved back momentarily and watched her. He wanted so badly to show her a man could be strong, forceful even primal without causing her any pain. Somehow he knew deep within himself that if she experienced just once a man at his strongest, and still enjoyed it, the pain from the past would somehow heal.
As her body began to peak he pushed in deeper, pushing her over that invisible barrier of control she liked to keep between them. He wanted her out of her ability to control, wanted her, no NEEDED her to be needy and he needed her surrender tonight.
“JON!!” She’d cry out as her body peaked, Jon smiled and took what she willingly was giving just now. He knew in 5 minutes she’d have control of her emotions again but right now she was his. “Tell me Dani. Tell me how you feel.” Jon collapsed on top of her but continued to kiss her ear and neck.
“I love you Jon.” She moaned honestly and Jon continued to kiss her neck a single tear falling from his eye. He really questioned if she’d ever let him in or not. He may not have played entirely fair to get his answer but he now knows. She does love him she’s just to scared to say it in the harsh light of day.
After that exercise session, Danielle cuddled up to Jon while he watched the game. While she was still blissfully unaware of her surroundings Jon got up put the game in and got back in bed to cuddle with her while he catches up on his Giants. He had refused to watch or listen to anything that might discuss the game. Luckily being in Australia helped, they didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to American sports.
It was almost halftime when Danielle became coherent again. “Did you mean to knock me out?” She asked kissing his chest.
“No but it worked, I got to watch my game and you were all cuddled up to me.” Jon turned and kissed her because it was half time. He truly wanted to see if she’d admit to loving him now that she’s done it once. He’d move lower in the bed to be even with her.
“Hey beautiful.”
“Yes Jon.” She’d smile shyly.
Jon took his hand and cup the side of her face running it into her hair.
“I’m happy I married you. We did this the right way, we learned how to be real with each other first and fell in love second. I love you Danielle Bongiovi.” Jon kissed her deeply and then look longingly into her eyes.
“Jon.” She’d start.
“Yes” He’d answer eagerly wanting so much to hear the woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with tell him her heart belongs to him.
Just then there would be a knock on their door on the bus.
“Hey guys we’re at the hotel in the next city lets go.” Tico announced.
“I’m gonna kill my drummer.” Jon grumbled knowing that the moment is broken and she’s not going to admit anything now. He’d help her up and get dressed, he’d take the DVD out of the player and bring it with him as they move into the hotel and into their room. He’d slide the DVD back in the player and look at Del.
“I’m thinking we were doing perfectly fine naked in one another’s arms what do you think?” Jon smiled taking his shirt off.
“As enticing as that sounds honey I’m going to take a shower.”
“Ok I’ll watch my game all alone in that big lonely bed.”
“I’ll be back soon honey you won’t be alone for long.” Danielle kissed his neck and walked into the bathroom.
Her mind is just as torn as Jon’s is. Did she tell him earlier tonight she loved him? She couldn’t remember, he absolutely rocked her world sexually and that orgasm was one of the most intense she’s had in weeks. As she stepped under the warm spray and starts to shampoo her hair she’s racking her brain trying to determine if she said it out loud or just inside her head for the millionth time.
Somehow she could tell Jon wanted to hear it. Now that he has told her he has such a hopeful look in his eyes every time he says it. Danielle knew what she was waiting for, why she was holding back. She was scared, point blank, easy. This was her idol and as much as she could separate Jon her husband from JON her fantasy it was still hard to believe that Jon was telling her on a semi regular basis now that he loves her. She kept waiting the other shoe to drop. Maybe it was a joke, maybe he just wanted her to say it so he could laugh. “Maybe you’re an idiot” She told herself out loud as she rinsed the conditioner from her hair. She knew what she had to do, fear be damned she had to give this man the one thing she has denied him thus far. Her heart and soul. He already had her body, the ring on her finger reminds her that she has his too. A woman should love her husband. Its naturally for a man and wife to tell each other they love each other on a daily basis. “He didn’t run Dani - even when he found out the scary parts of you.” She’d again tell herself out loud as she dries off, blow drying her hair a little to get half the water out. As she’d exit the bathroom with a cozy bathrobe wrapped around her she’d see the love of her life bouncing around on the bed hollering for his Giants.
She knows she could put him to the ultimate test right now. She could find out very quick where she rated. She could ask him to turn the game off but she just couldn’t do that to him. She’d look at the game and there is 2 minutes left. She knows in football time that means 30 minutes so she moves over to the desk and opens her laptop working on some emails for the band, back to promotions and merchandising for the next leg of the tour.
“YES!!!! We’re going to the SUPERBOWL!!!!!” Jon started dancing all over the room. He’d grab her and pull her into his arms “SUPERBOWL BOUND BABY!!!” He’d then kiss her so deep she get dizzy.
“Damn Jon if you’re like this every time your Giants win am I going to survive when they are Super bowl Champs?”
“OH yeah I’ll give you rest periods.” He smirked kissing her again dancing around to the beat that’s only in his head. She couldn’t resist he looks so happy.
“Yes my love.”
She’d smile even bigger. “I love you.”
“YES!!!!” He hollered and picked her up and swinging her around landing them both on the bed in a heap.
“Really? For real?” Jon didn't want to mistake this.
“For real Jon. I love you, all of you even your football addiction.”
“Damn woman you have made me the happiest man in the world. I love you Mrs. Bongiovi.”
“I love you Mr. Bongiovi. I am proud to call myself your wife.”
Jon kissed her deeply then look at her with a glint in his eye.
“Lets make a baby, right now right here.”
“Ok.” She’d smile again loving the happiness in his eyes. She’d do anything at that moment to make sure that happiness never goes away.
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