Chapter 2
Danielle couldn’t believe her little escape allowed her to run into her favorite keyboardist of all time.
“Coffee addict too I see.” She smiled hoping he wouldn't be an asshole, that'd kill the image completely.
“OH yeah. Hey you’re American?”
“Yes I am.” Danielle smiled. He’s really easy to talk to.
“Where are you from?” He asked eagerly, whenever they traveled to another country and met American's it was refreshing.
“I’m from Wisconsin.” Looking around to make sure he's really talking to her.
David smiled, this one he knew he's been to. “OH oh I’ve been there.”
“I know you were there in July.”
“I take it you were too?” David smiles as they hand him his coffee.
”Yep I went to Summerfest.”
“What did you think of the show?” Automatically he asked, always looking to improve if they can.
“Well it was good.”
“Just good? Why not great?”
“Well I’m kind of pissed at you guys.” Oops maybe she should have just kept her mouth closed because David's jaw dropped.
“I didn’t do it. If something was wrong I blame Jon.” David laughed.
“That works. He can take the blame." She might as well tell him what they did wrong, "You’re supposed to play Summertime in the summer and you didn’t.”
“Well it’s I don’t think it is on the set list for tonight.”
”Well I want to hear it live but Summertime isn’t a December winter song.”
“I’m sorry. I will relay the message and yell at him for you.”
“Thank you very much David. By the way I love Lunar Eclipse.” She told him and he smiled thinking this fan
heard the name and never actually heard it. Some fans have pulled that before.
“Really what’s your favorite song?”
“It’s a toss up. I love On a Full Moon but Netherworld Waltz is quickly catching up.”
“You’ve actually heard the album.”
“Yes.” She looked at him like he has 3 heads. “I’ve also go the full album in my ipod –see.” Danielle then clicked around and showed him that it is in her ipod. He’d grab the ipod and checked the play count and saw that she wasn’t bullshitting him, she actually does listen to it. He’d then look up wondering why no one has come to collect her yet from talking to some tall silly looking guy.
”Are you here with someone?”
“No I’m here by myself.”
“Well the story is I had a boy toy that promised to take me to Jersey to see you at the Pru on my birthday but he flaked. Then a friend said she’d go to Newark with me, didn’t really wanna spend the few hundred on the ticket to the show though but at least I’d have someone to go with. I was good with that since I heard Newark isn’t exactly safe. Well then she backed out so I wasn’t able to see you on my birthday like I wanted. So I decided it’s my life, I said the hell with waiting on others, so I came here. I love Toronto anyway I would live here if I wasn’t so American so here I am.” Danielle would explain.
“So you’ve been here before?”
”Yes I was here a little over a year ago and fell in love with the city.”
“So what are you plans for tomorrow?” David asked with a twinkle in his eye.
“Just bumming around, sightseeing.” She answered honestly not sure where these questions were going.
“Would you like some company?”
”Ok give me your name.”
Danielle saw no reason not to so she told him. “When you get to the arena tonight go to the will call window.”
“David I already have a ticket.”
“Yeah well exchange it at the window for a better one and a backstage pass. Think of it as a late birthday present.”
“Thank you David.”
“Not a problem. Now I better go before Jon has a fit.”
“Oh tell him to chill.”
“Last time I told him that he took a year off.” They both laughed as he walked out of Tim Horton’s and
Danielle sat down to collect her thoughts.
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