Chapter 24
Once he walked into the bedroom he’s shocked to see she’s not in there, so now he’s left to wander around the house to find her. He finally found his wife and she was in the game room shooting pool.
“You up for a challenger?” Jon smiled.
“Who you?”
“Yes me.” Jon smirked.
“You want to play pool lover?” She smiled.
“Strip pool. Every shot in is a piece of clothing off the other person.” He suggested. Personally he'd like to just lay her in the middle of the table crawl up there and make love to her, but it’s all about her little game she’s playing with him right now. “You’re on. But it’s also a game of questions. You lose clothes and have to answer any question when I ask it.”
“Sure honey but you seem to believe I’ll be the one losing clothes, I plan on seeing my sexy wife naked in just a little while.”
“Keep dreaming Mr. Bon Jovi.” She smirked and reached around the table racking the balls. Drawing back she breaks, sinking nothing.
“What was that Mrs. Bon Jovi?” Jon smirked and shot, getting in 2 solids. “Oh I do believe I would like your shirt and jeans off please. And 2 questions. What is your favorite part of my body? And, would you do anything I asked you to sexually no matter how bizarre?” He's quite turned on by the time he asked the second question because at that point she’s already removed her shirt.
Del removed her jeans and then danced around in a circle for him. She knew he is very into visual stimulation, she has caught him looking at her getting dressed or undressed hundreds of times already. She’s actually gotten quite used to a pair of eyes on her as she changes clothing. “My favorite part of your body is your arms. I love how big and strong they are and whenever you wrap either one arm around me or both I feel protected because I know you’d use them to beat the hell out of anyone who dared touch me. Would I do anything you wanted sexually? Not exactly. Almost anything but there are a few things that I draw the line on you know – really bizarre bizarre stuff.”
“Honey do you honestly think I’d ask you to do really bizarre stuff?”
“I’d hope not but I couldn’t just say yes to that just in case 5 years from now you want something that I consider taboo or gross.”
“What do you consider taboo or gross?” Jon asked after all they don’t know everything about each other and he’d never want to freak her out unknowingly.
“Bestiality, mutilation– that’s just absolutely no way uh huh if you want it I’m leaving now.” Del told him praying to GOD that he doesn’t want any of that ever and she doesn’t have to walk away from the best thing that’s ever happened to her.
“OH GOD no Del I don’t even consider any of that to be sexual I
think it to be psycho.”
Del hugged him so tight. “Thank you I so didn’t want to have to leave you over that. What types of things are you thinking you might want then?”
Jon smiled at her teasingly. “You don’t get to ask a question until you make a shot. It’s your turn.”
Del quickly lined up and made a shot. “I want your shirt off please and the answer to my question. What types of sexual things are on your mind?”
Jon removed his shirt slowly, flexing his abs as he did so before dropping it on the floor, then he told her. “I’ve wondered about anal sex and experimenting with different positions.”
“The positions – absolutely I’ll bend my body anyway to have you inside me. Anal – I’ve never done it but we could try it if you want. I trust you implicitly not to hurt me and I’ve heard it has to be done just right or its horribly painful.”
“You’d actually try it with me?” Jon asked shocked, he wasn't even sure if it was something he wanted to try he was just opening the door of communication up with her.
“Jon, honey I’m your wife I’ll do anything other than what I told you I’d never do – to make you happy, with the understanding that after we try it if we both don’t like it – it’s no longer an issue and we move on.” She told him.
“Exactly we’ll try anything once – twice if we both like it.” Jon smiled kissing her. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
Jon made another shot and smiled at his wife. “I want your bra off please, and, is there something you do for me sexually that you don’t like so much but you do it because you know I like it?”
Del took off her bra and playfully tosses it to him and smiling. “The answer to that is easy. NO. Everything I do to you I do because I love it, you enjoying it well that’s icing on the cake.”
She smirked. “Did you have that problem in the past?”
“Yes, I felt like when I wanted a woman’s mouth on me I was asking for the entire civilized world to be reverted to third world living conditions.”
“Trust me honey.” Del started as she walked up to him and ran her hand over his cock through his jeans. “I love sucking your cock now that I know what I'm doing.”
Jon smiled, he absolutely adores how blunt and bold Del is now that she’s his wife, he always knows where he stands with her.
“Baby if we keep playing pool I’m not going to continue to follow the rules.” He warned her because she never removed her hand from his cock, he could feel himself growing under her caress.
“Ok next thing you have to do then is to take the rest of our clothes off and slide that beautiful, thick cock of yours inside me.” As soon as Del said that Jon moved the rest of the balls from the pool table into the pockets, he reached down and tossed their clothes onto the pool table for cushion as well as bedding of sorts and his mouth found his wife’s instinctively. He loved her with his mouth while his hands are softly running up and down her body; his fingers found her panties and pulled them off. After that his mouth found his spot on her neck and he started to kiss and suck on it and she moaned. God how he loved her moaning. Jon then picked up his wife and placed her on the pool table. “Get comfortable love.”
He smiled at her while letting her watch him unbutton and unzip his jeans, he slid them off leaving him naked before her. He smirked slightly though when he’s naked and he watches his wife lick her lips. “See something you want Mrs. Bon Jovi?” Jon asks while softly stroking himself. He can’t believe in a few moments he’s going to be inside his wife, without anything between them. Even though that’s the only way they have ever made love, Jon gets turned on by it every time. At that thought his cock gets even harder. Jon crawled up on top of the pool table and without wasting any time slid inside his all too willing wife.
He loved that she is waiting for him, ready for him and that she wants him as much as he wants her. When he is completely inside of her, she used her inner muscles to hug him tight. Jon reached down and kissed his Del, before he started to seriously take them both on a ride. He looked at her and off to the side of her head he saw the felt for the pool table and it just turned him on that Del is so wonderful, she wanted him anywhere at all as long as she got him.
So that afternoon they spend making love in every conceivable place in the house, including the pool table, the couch, and the kitchen counter and finally in their bed again. Jon hoped that if by chance Jessi did catch them during the day she’s discreet with Del about it. He didn’t want to change her eagerness to just be with him.
The next morning Jon would wake up with his wife in his arms in their room. “Honey come on you have to wake up”
“No.” Del would say and cuddle closer to him. Jon would swear inside as her naked body wraps even tighter around his. Such sweet torture, Jon can do nothing but smile at the way she subconsciously slides her hands up and down his chest and his arms while she sleeps. This woman is going to be the death of him yet.
Jon would reach over and grab his blackberry off the night stand and text his personal assistant using only one hand, his daughter would be so proud. ‘Tina my wife needs & ob/gyn appt today for an exam & fertility eval. text me appt time & place – thx j’
He’d put his crack berry back on the night stand and cuddle closer to Del.
“Bad husband, you moved.”
“Are you gonna spank me for it?” He’d ask.
“No you like that too much.” She’d smile and kiss his neck and cuddle closer.
“My wife the cuddler.” Jon smiles
Danielle would yawn and moved even closer. “That’s a problem why?”
“OH it's not babe. I love it actually.” Jon would kiss the top of her head rejoicing in the fact that he has a woman in his bed, in his arms that he was inside of for most of last night. Jon would keep his eyes closed and tune the rest of the world out for just a little while. In his world, everything he needed at this moment was within arms reach.
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