Chapter 35
"Hey baby can you get me my blackberry I need to call a doctor." Jon tells her while laying on the floor in pain.
"Sure honey." Danielle would quickly jump up to do his bidding scared that he really was hurt and she was the one to hurt him. While on the way back to his music room she grabbed him some sweat pants, she should be able to maneuver him enough to get them on.
As she arrived back in the music room she hoped she'd see him sitting up and laughing at the joke he played on her, but no luck. He was still on his back and from the look on his face, in pain.
"Honey here's your phone."
Jon quickly calls Tracy his assistant and has her call Dr Mike to the house. Danielle managed to get her husband into sweat pants by the time Dr Mike showed up.
"What did you do this time Jon?"
"I broke myself." Jon laughs not saying how just yet.
"What did you do play your guitar upside down or something?" Dr Mike asks him while slowly moving Jon onto his stomach.
"NO not that way." Jon laughed knowing that Danielle would be embarrassed when he told the Doctor. "Baby can you get me some water."
"Jon its ok, everyone knows we're trying to make a baby so Doc he threw his back out trying to be a young guy having sex in wacky positions."
Dr Mike laughs whole kindheartedly and worked on manipulating the muscles in Jon's back until he hears a loud crack and Jon moaned.
"Honey you're only supposed to do that for me." Danielle laughed.
"Baby you caused it." Jon laughed as he stood up stretching his back a bit.
"Looks like my work here is done." Dr Mike laughed and Jon and Danielle walked him out.
"So my dear wife what would you like to do with me now?" Jon smirks knowing that he can get away with murder with her when he turns on his stage charm.
"OH there are lots of things I'd like to do to you right now," Danielle smiled and took his hand, "But my sexy husband you were hurt just a few minutes ago so I don't want to hurt you again. We should just sleep tonight."
"Baby how are we going to make a baby if you don't let me practice hitting just the right spot over and over again." Jon smiled walking hand in hand to their room.
2 days later ~
"Jon are you sure they are going to like me?" Danielle asked her husband as they walked off the plane in Florida.
“Baby they are my parents, they are just like everyone’s parents, they want their child happy and I am.” Jon took his bride in his arms and kissed her softly. “I love you and they will too.”
Danielle took Jon’s hand in hers and held on tight. She truly wanted Jon’s family to accept her but she feared they wouldn’t and then she and Jon would have another fight on their hands. She wanted to be happy with her husband and they have already had their share of obstacles.
“Come on baby, I want you to meet my parents.” Jon smiled, he so wanted everyone to know each other, he felt bad about excluding his parents from this aspect of his life so far. He had no fear about introducing his wife, his parents had loved Dot this would be a piece of cake.
“Jon.” Carol said as she opened the door and pulled her son into a hug causing him to let go of Danielle’s hand.
“Hi mom, I’ve missed you.” Jon laughed. He pulled back from her hug and took Danielle’s hand again. “Mom I’d like to introduce you to my wife Danielle.”
“You’re WHAT?!?” Carol yelled. “JOHN you’re son is insane.” She shouted walking into the house leaving Jon and Danielle on the front steps. Jon turned to his wife and gently brought his hands up to her face kissing her lips softly. He could tell by the look in her eyes she immediately was uncomfortable. “Hey remember when you walked backstage at our show in Toronto and proceeded to tell me what you thought of Summerfest?”
“Yes.” She answered looking at him wondering what that had to do with her being confident now.
“Show me that confidence baby. It's sexy and I love it. Don’t let her take that away ok?” Jon kissed her softly again letting his lips linger on hers just a little longer than necessary.
Jon’s dad John came out and looked at them. “Are you two going to come inside or did Carol scare you away?”
“Hi dad, mom didn’t scare us. Please meet my wife Danielle. Dani honey this is my dad John.”
Danielle timidly held her hand out to John but that doesn’t work because Jon’s dad pulled her into a hug and smiled, “Welcome to the family honey.”
“Dad where’s mom, I need to talk to her.” Jon asked.
“She’s in the kitchen Jon.” His dad explained. Jon looked at Danielle, still seeing the fear in her eyes and he hated that look.
“Mom we need to talk come here please.” He asked politely but with a layer of syrup in his voice, he couldn’t believe that his mother had acted this way.
When Carol walked out of the kitchen Jon looked at her with a look that spoke volumes.
“Again mom I’d like to introduce you to my WIFE Danielle.” This time he expects the introduction to go better.
“She’s not Dot, Dot is your wife.”
“NO mom Dot isn’t, she hasn’t been for almost a year now. When are you going to get over that, she walked out remember? She ended the marriage not me and my choice now is to be married to Danielle.” Jon explained vehemently to his mom.
“You didn’t even invite us just spring this on us like this. Jon we raised you better.” His mom scolded.
“Wait a minute; did I miss the lesson on how to be rude to a guest in our home?” Jon answered back with sarcasm, his eyes caught Danielle's briefly and he could tell she was biting her tongue.
“You were so happy with Dot.”
“That’s it – Jon I’m sorry if this offends you but I can’t take it anymore.” Danielle opened her mouth for the first time all visit.
“Mrs. Bongiovi, you’re right he was happy with Dorothea, in fact from what I understand had she not chose to walk out he would still be married to her, but she did and he’s not. He’s my husband; besides you I am the only other Mrs. Jon Bongiovi. I suggest you get over wanting her back because I’m not leaving. I hate Dot for what she did to him and the pain she put in his eyes for so long. I love that the pain is gone and he doesn’t look scared to face tomorrow anymore. Jon didn’t believe he would ever get love again he didn’t think he deserved it after she left, is that what you want for your son?”
“Well I”
“No you don’t to talk yet. I really wanted you and I to get along Carol, you are a very important person in his life, but I will never make him choose between his wife and his mother. I just won’t visit when he comes down. By the way we are planning on having a family so if you don’t accept me that may become an issue.” Danielle stood her ground and all but dared Carol to fight back with her posture.
“How dare you?” Carol said a little outraged at Danielle not cowering to her.
“How dare I what? Stand up to someone who’s been mean to me – I’m not some mousy little girl who’s afraid of my husband’s mother. See the ring, it's mine, I wear it. Had I been some mousy little girl that you treated like you did I may have run off but not now? He’s my husband and I love him, your attitude doesn’t scare me. Jon made a vow to love, honor and cherish me he vowed to make every day a day he chooses to be my husband and I believe him and no matter what you do he won’t go back on that vow. Mr. Bongiovi it was my pleasure to meet you, I appreciate you not hating me instantly.” Danielle stood up and started to gather her purse to leave. No matter what she had no intention of staying and being belittled by Jon’s mom because she wasn’t his ex wife.
“It's not Mr. Bongiovi to you, it's Dad, you’re my son’s wife we’re family. Welcome to the family Danielle.” He then gave her a hug.
Jon hugged his dad right after, “Thanks Dad.”
“I happen to agree with her, I hate Dot for what she did to you and the pain she put in your eyes for so long. I love that she’s given you a reason to smile again.” His dad smiled and Jon and Danielle left.
Once they got in the car out in the driveway Danielle looked at Jon. “I’m sorry Jon I really am, I didn’t mean to go off on your mom she just got on my last nerve.”
“Baby I’m ok with that. She was not treating you fairly; you actually treated her with a lot of respect. You didn’t swear at her or raise your voice. Thank you baby for keeping it in check like you did.” Jon took Danielle’s left hand in his and kissed her wedding ring.
“But Jon she’s your mom.”
“I know honey, and she’ll get over her attitude. If nothing else Dad will let her know how things are going to go and then she’ll call and apologize. She has no right taking out her frustration on my 1st marriage ending on you, that’s not fair you did nothing to cause that or encourage it so she was in the wrong.” Jon interlaced fingers with his wife.
“Was she close to Dot?” Danielle asked.
“Yes but then again everyone in the family was she was a member of our family for almost 30 yrs. Mom will realize quickly that if she wants to continue her relationship with me she better be nice to you.”
Danielle immediately shook her head, “No Jon I don’t want you to have this disagreement with your mom on my account. She and I are separate from you and me.”
“NO we aren’t Dani, you and I are married, it means that we are a couple and what affects you affects me.” Jon ended the discussion with a kiss letting her know without words there would be no more talk on the topic.
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