Chapter 26
“Jon, Danielle please come in.”
“Thanks Chuck.” Jon would say and shake his hand.
“Danielle honey, this is Chuck Lane, our accountant.” Jon made polite introductions and Chuck quickly got down to business pushing a stack of papers no less than 3 inches high in front of Danielle.
”I just need your autograph on those.” Chuck smiled.
“He’s the famous one.” She quipped with a smile.
“Yes but I’ve gotten his autograph so often it's just a bore to me now.” Chuck laughed as Danielle looked down at the papers.
“Are you going to tell me what I’m signing?”
“Sure.” Chuck started handing her paper after paper telling her ‘this is the deed to the Cali house – this is Martha’s Vineyard house, this is the Middleton house’ he continued through all the papers so long that Dani's hand began to hurt.
“Jon how do you sign autographs this long?”
”Easy I have a signature no one can read.” He laughed.
She grabbed one of the papers and showed it to him. “Is that legible?”
“Well I can see the D and the B so I guess you’re good.” He reached in and kissed her cheek not knowing how they are emotionally after the fight.
“Thank you Chuck I’ll contact you when my hand gets the feeling back.”
“Danielle we haven’t even talked about your new net worth.”
“Chuck I know you like numbers, as long as you tell me Jon and I are ok money wise I don’t really care about the details.”
“Chuck I didn’t marry him because he’s a millionaire, I married him because he’s Jon.” Danielle smiled trying to put on a friendly face, hoping this didn’t make Jon angry but she hated conversations like this. She was forced to have one with her mother’s financial person as well and it just turned her stomach. She knew Jon was rich, well now that meant she was rich. Hell with her obsession with Jovi over the last 25 yrs she’s helped make him a millionaire she didn’t need to know anything else.
“Thanks for your time Chuck. When we get all her paperwork from Wisconsin I’ll forward it to you so you can roll it into the rest of the stuff.” Jon shook his hand and then took Danielle’s hand to leave.
Outside they crawled into the vehicle again and started towards the lawyers offices.
“Am I in trouble for that?” Danielle asked.
“For what?” Jon asked as the car turned the corner.
“Not wanting to sit there while he told me how much you’re worth and what I’d get if you died.”
“I take it you’ve had that conversation before and don’t like it?” Jon intuitively devised.
“Yes my mom. It just leaves me with a upset stomach thinking of money in relation to someone that I care deeply about dying.”
“You’ve had too much of that in your life haven’t you?”
“Yes Jon I have.”
“Ok baby I’ll tell you if you ever spend too much.”
“I’m not a big spender Jon.”
“Isn’t Anthony coming over today to help you re-decorate?”
“OH shit yes he is.”
“Trust me I highly doubt there’s anything you want to do that’s going to come close to even spending the interest we get on our accounts. Come on we’re at Mark’s office.” Jon took her hand and led her into their lawyers office. This one would be just as bad. She had to sign lots of papers, Jon revamped his will, Mark kept a copy of the marriage license on file and away they go again.
The next stop is very much about fun. They need to get her a new cell phone so it will work when they travel overseas.
After Jon added her to his plan, they pick out a blackberry pearl 8100 red.
“Why red baby?”
“Because it's sexy.”
“Well that you are baby, that you are.” He smiled and told the clerk. "This is the one we need.”
“Do you want to port a number from someplace?”
“Jon would it be better for me to have a Jersey number for the company?”
“Actually it would babe but we can port your Wisconsin one if you really want to.”
“NO we’re fine. Just assign me a great number ok? Can it end in 5684?” Del asked the clerk and he started looking.
“5684? I don’t get it.” Jon asked Del and she just smiled. “You will.”
“Ok we have one, your new number is 908-565-5684” The clerk told them.
“Perfect. I’ll take it.”
“What does 5684 mean?” Jon asked.
“Guess you’ll have to figure that out I have a dr’s appointment.”
“OH you’re being mean.” Jon smirked as they uploaded all of her information from her old cell to her new one.
5684 ROFLMAO! Jon, take out your phone and figure it out!
I finally caught up. I'm getting lots of reading done tonight. I love that they're finally starting to live one life together and she's catching up and being included on all of Jon's stuff. For the record their fight a couple chapters ago I'm so on her side LOL And I think my brain is dead...5684? I know that's something I probably should know!
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