Chapter 29
"Yes really Del. The Dr. said it might be more difficult there is scarring we'll have to deal with but she's going to prescribe something to help you ovulate more so we'll have a better chance."
"Really?" Danielle asked yet again, not able to believe that she can have a baby. Jon moved to lay her down on the bed. He followed her body to the bed with his own. Once he’s laying directly on top of his wife he starts to move his hips around to entice her.
"Yes really." He smiled.
”Jon what are you doing?”
"Who me?” He nibbled on her neck and then pulled her shirt to the side kissing his spot on her body, the one he found on her the night he arrived in Escanaba. Its the area where her neck and shoulders meet. He knows it drives her wild and he loves that.
“Jon” Danielle moaned and moved her hips up against his hardening cock.
“You’re teasing your husband.” He smirked as he started nibbling on his spot. He has determined that he owns that one little area of her body. Every time he kissed, licked or nibbled there his wife’s legs open a little more and her panties get a little wetter. Jon nibbled again and Danielle’s legs opened up, her body moved up closer to his.
“Oh my baby likes that?” Jon moaned his hand moved down her chest to her jeans. “Danielle, do you like it when I take your clothes off or do you want to strip for your husband.”
“Either way as long as you get inside me soon, Jon I need you.”
"I need you too Del." Jon needed to be inside her for a whole new reason. Not just for sex, although his erection was telling him otherwise. This time he wanted to be inside of her to show her again, he's there. She's been so scared for so long about finding out the answer to if she can have kids, she thought for sure she'd be left alone forever. Jon just wanted to show her without words that she's loved. He quietly removed her jeans and very wet panties from her. "My wife wants me!" He smiled knowing that's true, her body refused to hide that fact.
"Yes like that shocks you?" She smiled nibbling on his adam's apple. A moan escaped Jon's throat before he answered her with his own torture. He bent down and pushed her shirt up and over her head taking her nipple in his mouth through the bra. "Doesn't shock me. I love knowing it though." Jon continued his assault on her chest while his fingers found the wetness between her legs altogether to enticing.
"Can I get you wetter?" Jon wondered out loud while he bit on her other nipple. Just hard enough to make her eyes fly open.
"pay attention my wife." His need to tease her comes from a deep desire to relax. Sex is always more fun when there's a need for more than just the act. He loved knowing that after this act she'll be jelly in his arms. That's the part of being married he cherishes, the after sex parts when its ok to let your guard down and just hold your woman close. When you're playing the field you can't do that, you have to remain tough and removed. Now he can admit to really enjoying the tender parts of his wife.
Just then Jon felt his cock swallowed. "Holy hell woman!" He stopped paying attention for 2 minutes and she must have gotten motivated. His hands quickly attend to her hair. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her hot wet mouth wrapped around him. He's so happy she got over her fear of not living up to his expectations when it came to blow jobs. 'OH HELL!" Jon moaned as she swallowed around the head of his cock and massaged his balls. He'd have to say she's mastered them now. She took the time to truly figure out what drives him insane, and she does that on a regular basis.
"Del I need you baby."
She looked up at him with his manhood still in her mouth. "Come here sexy. Love me." Jon pulled her off of him and up to his lips, taking her mouth with his as a way of relaying equality. He rolled her under him, taking her right leg up to his hip and without wasting a moment his body slid inside.
"OH just what I need. How does this feel Del?" Jon kissed her neck as he asked.
"Feels great Jon."
"Am I in deep enough for you?" He wanted to be her everything, he wanted to be the perfect man in her eyes, he wanted her to know he's always gonna be there for her, to give her everything she needs.
"Deeper?" She asked shyly.
'Of course love." Jon smiled and pushed in even deeper.
"OH GOD" She cried out.
"Now its good?" Jon smirked and kissed his spot on her again.
"Jon you feel so huge inside me." Del smiled and ran her hands down his back.
"Enjoy it Mrs Bon Jovi. I'm all yours, forever." Jon kept pushing deeper and deeper into his wife, watching her face enjoy him more and more. Soon before either one of them realized it, they've reached the peek of their endurance, their bodies are quickly pushing and pulling the other to orgasm.
Afterwords Jon got exactly what he wants, his exhausted wife cuddling to him. He somehow knows that he relayed the message he was trying for. They had locked eyes right before they peaked, he saw the fear lesson with every thrust.
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