Chapter 28
After Anthony got the run down of everything that Danielle wanted done to the house she had to get the checkbook from Jon.
“You gonna be ok to write this check? Is it going to bother you?” Jon asked knowing that Anthony probably is looking for $100-$200,000 to start with.
“Yeah it can’t be more than what? $9000?” Danielle had no idea what her redecorating is actually going to cost. Right now spending Jon’s money seemed rather appropriate after he made her go to that appointment today.
“Sure honey.” He smiled and handed her the checkbook. When Anthony asks for $175,000 to start the process Danielle almost fell off the bar stool.
“I assure you Mrs. Bongiovi this is fair pricing.”
“It had better be Anthony.” She warned and wrote out the check and handed it to him, once he left she turned to look at Jon.
“For what?” Jon didn't know what she was sorry for.
“Spending all the money.”
“Baby you haven’t dented the interest on one account yet we’re multi-multi-millionaires have fun.”
“Ok, you ready for bed?”
“Yes but don’t we have something to settle first and I’d rather not argue in our room.” Jon siad not letting this fight go.
“Jon can’t we be over it. Another conversation like this morning won’t be fun.”
“I believe I told you this one other time in our relationship. Danni all of our conversations aren’t going to be fun. That’s the beauty of being married. The other beauty is that when they aren’t fun we have them anyway.”
“Ok but lets do this in private.” She said noticing that Jessi and Richie are still up.
“Alright.” Jon took Del’s hand and hollered into the kitchen, “Hey guys we’re going to bed. See you in the morning.”
“Night.” They both said back.
They walked upstairs and Jon lead her into a living space on the 2nd floor which the kids have used for a video game room.
"Del, in the past I've ignored issues like this, I wouldn't proactively try to solve problems, I'd let things slide when it got to a place where it was 'good enough' between us. I won't do that again, because unless we are back to normal with each other the space of unsaid words will keep growing until sooner rather than later it will be to wide to build a bridge over. I'd rather we settle everything when things happen rather than just skip it."
"Jon sometimes I need to cool off before I can talk about something. What you pulled this morning really pissed me off. I'm not going to lie I wanted to string you up from here to Sunday."
"What got you so angry at me?" Jon sat down on the couch and Del followed.
"It wasn't that you made an appointment for me its that you didn't ask me, you didn't involve me at all. Jon one of these appointments aren't like I'm going in to have my nails done. They are pretty involved. What pissed me off is you told me about it like I had no choice. Like you'd handle business not your wife."
"I thought I was helping." Jon said assured that he'd done the right thing.
"By making the call. I knew that you didn't know if you could have kids. I figured that it would be a very difficult call for you to place. So I just did it. I figured that once the appointment was made it wouldn't be as hard to keep it and find out and then we can either heal from the news or make a baby."
Danielle immediately was taken back. "Really?"
"Yes I remember when I was in Edmonton and we were on the phone, you told me if you never found out you'd never be disappointed. Del if the answer is no and we can't have natural kids I'm still here. We can adopt if you truly still want one that's ours. We don't have to have kids at all but the one thing we need to do is find out once and for all what our options are."
"I'm sorry Jon. Knowing what I know now I'm not nearly as angry, next time please just ask me. Danielle I'm going to make the appoint for the ob/gyn for today ok? I just want to feel like I have a say in my life."
"Oh that feeling I understand well. I'm sorry too Del, I really was just trying to be a good husband and help."
"You did. Now we'll know." She reached for him and gave him a kiss.
The next two days pass easily. The guys play around with set lists and arrangements of songs, factoring in more breaks for Tico, because he'd been having shortness of breath the last part of the Canada dates. Jon didn't know if he was just coming down with a cold or if all his years of smoking like a chimney had caught up to him. Thinking of that Jon had to laugh. He had thought that giving up smoking really would have been harder, but after he met up with Danni in Michigan he hadn't even thought of smoking. It just seemed natural to not smoke in her presence. As he and Danni walked out of their Jersey house and got into the limo waiting to take them to the airport he's confident this marriage is going to work. After their argument the other day about him making arrangements for her without letting her in on them they had taken the time to talk to one another.
The communication ability they perfected on the phone right after they got together helped them. He had found out that it was a pet peeve of hers for people to talk over her or at her rather than to her. She found out that Jon will make plans for people, he's not trying to be mean or insulting he's just trying to make sure things get done. The stress between the two of them lessened to an extent because they talked but it wouldn't be over until Dr. Wilson called to tell them the results of her tests.
Once at the airport, they moved through the terminal like a well oiled machine. While they were flying on Jovi Air they still had to go through a mini customs check. Not nearly as detailed as what everyone else would go through. Right after they walk outside to get onto the private plane, Danielle's cell phone rings.
"Jon its the Dr." She'd tell him and answer it.
"Is this Danielle Bongiovi?" Dr Wilson asked.
"Yes Dr. This is Danielle. Do you have the results?"
"Yes I do. Is your husband with you? Does he want to hear them as well?" The Dr. asked carefully.
Danielle turned white, her worst fears have come true. Jon noticed her color and immediately took the phone from her while he pulled her into his arms. "Dr. Wilson this is Danielle's husband Jon. Can you give me the details please?"
"Of course Jon, we ran the regular gynecological tests on your wife to confirm she's healthy, and we also ran a fertility test called a Hysterosalpingography."
Jon took Danielle into the plane never letting her out of his arms and walked into the back bedroom area for some quiet. "Can you tell me what that test is?" Jon ran his hand into Danielle's hair. Her body is wrapped in his arms so tight, she'd be physically one with him if she could right now.
"Absolutely. In this test, I used an x-ray to check for physical problems of the uterus and fallopian tubes. I injected a special dye through the vagina into the uterus. This dye shows up on the x-ray. It allowed me to see if the dye moves normally through the uterus into the fallopian tubes."
"What was the point?" Jon asked not even understanding half of the words being used.
"To find blockages that may be causing infertility. Blockages can prevent the egg from moving from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Blockages can also keep the sperm from reaching the egg."
"And what did you find?" Jon asked still holding onto Danielle because now her fear had taken over and her face was streaked with tears.
"Jon there are some blockages. The PCOS your wife suffers from has taken a toll on her body."
"Are we able to make a baby?" Jon asked, fearful of the answer he's about to get. He looked at Danielle again and saw the pain in her eyes of years of uncertainty, years of feeling like she didn't fit in, years of fear of the one thing she was afraid to want being taken away. Jon would kiss her softly on the temple. Trying to quietly give her his love through that simple touch. letting her know, no matter what he hears next he'll be there with her.
"Yes but it won't be easy."
"But its possible?" Jon exhaled.
"Yes Jon. I'm prescribing Clomiphene Citrate to Danielle. Its a medicine to cause ovulation by acting as a pituitary gland. Hopefully an increase in eggs will be produced. I'm hoping this will strengthen the likelihood that her eggs and your sperm will be able to connect. If this doesn't work we may have to do a surgery called Laparoscopy."
"Ok Dr. you're losing me with all this Dr speak what's a Laparoscopy?"
"Its a surgery that we'd make a small cut in her abdomen to go in with a tool to try to remove some of the scarring."
"Thank you Dr. We're on a plane just about ready to leave the country I'll have an assistant call you to get the prescription information so we can have it filled and brought to us. Thank you for getting back to us so quickly." Jon then hung up the phone and shut it off for flight. He turned to look at Danielle.
"Its possibly honey. You can get pregnant, it might be more difficult than we'd like but we can make a baby."
"Really?" She asked almost not believing him.
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