Chapter 31
Over the next 5 days, they figured out a way to get by in Japan. After the fiasco with the dinner the first night it doesn't get much better when the ladies, Danielle, Lisa (Dave's girlfriend) & Melody tried to enter the side door of an arena while the guys are being mobbed. Lisa and Melody are allowed in but Danielle isn't. Jon forgot to give her the backstage pass she'd need for the entire tour. This security guard wouldn't take anything in trade for the pass. Her telling him she's Jon's wife, Lisa and Melody vouching for her, Danielle even got out her drivers license and that doesn't work. They even called Paul to the door and the guard still refused to let her in.
Of course that doesn't go over well with Jon. By the time he arrives at the door he expected that his wife would be inside safely waiting for him. Not being help captive at the door by some security guard. It takes all of 3 minutes for Jon to fire this person, put a new person on point and walk back to the dressing room tugging Danielle by the hand behind him.
When they get into the dressing room he started going off on a tangent about the incompetence of the guard.
"Wait a minute am I missing something here? Who's wife am I?" Danielle called him out.
"Mine why?" Jon asks.
"Because its not the security guard's job to make sure YOUR wife has a pass to YOUR concerts is it?"
David looked at Jon, "Does she ever let you get away with anything?"
"No." Jon admitted and kissed Danielle. "He still should have let you in after all the confirmations he had but your right I should have given you the pass and none of this would have occurred." Jon reached into his stage clothes and pulled out her pass.
The rest of Japan is just as much of a headache. Two other times Danielle gets sick from something she eats. By the time Japan is behind them Jon has decided Danielle won't be coming to Japan again. Neither one of them had a whole lot of fun with it.
Next on the tour is New Zeeland. Danielle liked this country a whole lot better, at least they speak a form of English and she can read the menus. By this point as well Jon has determined its time to teach Danielle things about the band and managing them as that's her new job. He also realized that when he keeps his wife busy she's happier. They have received her medication from someone on staff who flew out to see them and deliver mail etc. She had started taking it and so far no changes. One afternoon after they had spent the morning planning the next few days and Jon showing her paperwork she'd need he had to seclude himself into a room to complete an interview.
Danielle wandered out into the arena and watch the stage be put together. What she witnesses though makes her blood boil. Danielle saw one of the roadies slap his girlfriend and she snapped, her blood turns boiling hot and her rational mind leaves. She sees red. She lunged at the guy and knocked him on his ass and starts punching and kicking him until security pulls her off the guy and carries her backstage to Jon. Luckily his interview is over because she’s still kicking and screaming that she’s gonna string him up. Jon pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight, “Danni talk to me what’s wrong, what happened?”
Just then the roadie came back stage and is dumb enough to start screaming at Jon that his fucking wife is nuts and she attacked him for no reason – Danielle jumped out of Jon’s arms and attacked the guy again, “come on fucker hit someone who’s expecting it. Smack me I’m not afraid of you- come on you low life piece of shit”
“Danielle – stop it now!” Jon would order.
“I can not fucking believe you allow this in your organization.” She’d call him out on not putting a stop to this guy years ago.
“You and I need to talk privately. Jacob stay here. We’ll be back.”
Jon pulled Danielle into a separate room and looked at her. “If you’re going to yell at me please do so in private not in front of my employees. If there is something going on in the road crew did you ever stop to think that maybe I don’t know about it?”
“Jon that bastard hits his girlfriend. I saw him do it, it wasn’t casual it wasn’t a spanking, it was a slap, intentional and hard and she went flying into the speaker. I can’t let that continue, not in my sight.”
”Why? What’s happened that I don’t know about that’s got you this off the charts angry?”
”I was in an abusive relationship. I made the mistake to accept it and I had a gun pulled on me by the bastard and that’s what woke me up and I got out. I can’t see that and not see red.”
“Ok let’s go talk to Jacob. You have to remain calm as his employer I have to remain professional, as my wife you have to keep your anger in check.”
“I can’t. Jon if you don’t fire him I’m gonna attack him again.”
”Danielle, if you want to manage this band you’re going to have to control this anger streak.”
“How can you be so calm?”
“Probably because I didn’t see him do it. To me it's still hearsay.”
”Hearsay? Jon I’m your wife are you saying you don’t believe me?”
“No and you are not going to start a fight with me right now, I have to go handle an issue of my wife beating up my employee.”
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