Chapter 36
About an hour after they left his parents house during the flight Danielle woke up and looked at Jon from the comfort of his chest. “When do you have to be someplace again?”
“Nebraska in about 10 days why honey?” Jon smiled softly he loved these quiet moments, for far to many years he ignored the fact that he had a woman to relax with he’s not going to do that this time around. He moved his hand up into her hair rejoicing in the fact she didn’t get mad at him for it.
“I want to go someplace just us. Don’t you have another house somewhere?” Danielle asked softly.
“I know a wife who’s getting a spanking when we get off this plane.” Jon laughed moving his hand lower on her back not quite able to reach her ass in the plane seats.
“OH damn, don’t we have another house somewhere.” She smirked knowing full well she wouldn’t mind the spanking Jon wanted to give, she never minded when he touches her.
“Yes we do love. How about Martha’s Vineyard, it's close to us. Or we have the Malibu house.”
“I don’t want to be in a plane all day lets go to the vineyard.” Danielle voiced.
“Sure baby, whatever you want as long as you’re with me I’ll go anywhere.” Jon smiled not willing to hide the love he was feeling for her right then. His mom had done a number on her and he knew it. He knew she really wanted to belong, to him, with him, in his family and with his mom not welcoming her it caused his wife pain. It hurt him to know that someone he loved so much had caused the unshed tears he saw in his wife’s eyes when they were there.
“Lets stop at home get some warmer clothes and head out. I don’t think our Florida attire will work well right now up there.” Jon laughed as they relaxed into each other and began to tenderly kiss one another.
As they turned into the driveway to their home about 45 min later Jon was assured that Danielle was relaxed again, he wanted to keep her that way. After they found out that it would be a little more difficult for her to have a baby he took the time to look online and find some information about things he can do to help. First of course is lots of sex, the more the merrier. He knew from his reading it helped to keep her pelvis tilted to let the sperm and egg have a better chance to meet. She should stay lying down for as long as possible after sex. Of course the standards applied, the less stress and bad emotions the woman felt the easier it was for her to conceive. So Jon knew when he saw Dot’s car in the driveway he was going to be failing that part of the equation.
“Honey Dot is here. That’s her car.” The anticipation of bad things to come hit him in the stomach like a burst of cold arctic air when he debarks his plane in Canada, unexpected and quick.
“Is she in our house?” Danielle asked already her anger starting to fester.
“Yes I don’t see her outside.” Jon warned.
“Why is it people do not respect me and what’s mine?” Danielle said more to herself than Jon as she opened the car door and walked into the house. Jon tried to catch her knowing this wasn’t going to be good if Dot provoked her. Danielle was already emotionally raw from his mother she didn’t need his ex wife adding to it. “Honey she may be dropping off one of the kids.” He justified as they turned a corner and saw Dot looking at the house with a scowl on her face.
“Oh I so don’t like this.” Dot said aloud.
“I’m glad you don’t live here then, we do, we like it Dorothea. Why are you here?” Danielle asked with a layer of venom in her voice, she knew flat out she could get her ass kicked by Jon’s ex wife but after dealing with his mom her give a damn was busted when it came to his ex-wife.
“Dot are you here for one of the kids?” Jon asked hoping to calm the situation before he got worse.
“No Jon I came to see you. What’s wrong with you Danielle? I have a long history with Jon we are parents of four children, it's not like we’re ever going to be apart.” Dorothea grinned, choosing her words wisely just to provoke Danielle worse.
Jon grabbed Danielle’s hand pulling her into his arms trying to calm her. That wasn’t going to happen. She pulled away from him and moved within a foot of Dorothea.
“You see that’s the thing you have a HISTORY – it's the past Dorothea you may share children together but since I’m now his wife this is my house, you have no right to just walk in like you still live here. If you want to come over, call first. Don’t presume it's ok to walk in the front door like you have rights. You have none. I’m Mrs. Jon Bongiovi not you. I wear the ring and I have no intention of ever walking away from him like you did. Now if there’s no pressing emergency with the children I’d like you to leave and call before you come over again.” Danielle then walked out of the room and up the stairs.
“Where the hell does she get off talking to me like that? She’s been your woman what a day I’ve been your” Dot is cut off by Jon.
“You WERE my woman Dot you aren’t anymore. She’s right it's our home now, you can’t just walk in, and you don’t have those rights anymore. The only people allowed to walk in that front door unannounced and without ringing the doorbell are family. You’re not family anymore you chose that.” Jon told her, he then took her by the elbow and escorted her to the door. “Do as she asks and we’ll all be able to get along. Please call before coming over and oh call my mother – she wants to talk to you.” Jon left no option for Dorothea to stay in the house, “Can you take the kids with you when you go on the road next?”
“Why they have school?” Jon was shocked that she just asked him this.
“They want to go, they told me they’d rather have a tutor then stay in New York.” She answered him without giving him all the details.
“We’ll stop by the New York house next week and talk to the kids together, all of us and find out what’s going on and make a decision from there. I’ll call before stopping by Dot. Have a great day.” With that she left. Jon locked the door and turned and rested against it looking up the stairs. Now how as he going to handle his feisty wife who obviously needed to de-stress a bit. With a gleam in his eye he went in search of what he needed for just that goal.
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