Chapter 40
As the week rolled on Jon and Danielle take the time to really question each other on their beliefs. They discover that their views on childbirth differ a bit. Jon believed because of Danielle’s age they should plan on a c-section. Danielle wanted to experience birth as its intended. Because they aren’t pregnant yet Jon recommended they take the advice of the doctors throughout the pregnancy. Should the pregnancy show to be high risk they will plan on the c-section otherwise Jon understood her desire to do things the natural way. Surgery is never someone’s first choice.
They also talk about parenting. Jon advised her that while he does believe in spanking he tries not to spank the kids. His big thing with the kids is warning them and then a penalty in the likes of taking something away, Steph’s computer, Jesse’s ipod etc, if that doesn’t work then he spanks. They also discuss quite heavily what her role would be with his current kids, Jon wants her to be equal to him in regards to how the kids treat her but yet there is a hiccup in that plan since they have a mother and that’s not going to change.
“I’m not going to act like their mother Jon but it's going to get awkward unless you set it up right.”
“Meaning?” He asked wondering what she wants him to set up.
“I think the kids need to know from you what my role is. Do they have 3 parents now or do I just factor in from time to time when you aren’t around?” Danielle asked him.
“Baby you’re their step mother so you’re a parent to them too now but it's a hard because I’ve never had a stepmother either so I’m not sure how to go about this. They like you from when they met you that other time on the road but where do we go from here.” Jon asked still unsure himself as to how best to approach this. He found it difficult to find a defined role for her with the kids. Jon wanted Danielle to feel included because she is, but yet having more parents the kids may get confused.
“Honestly Jon I don’t see this as anything other than difficult. Dot and I don’t get along at all, she seems to detest the very air I breathe, I don’t honestly think there’s a way for me to be a parent to them, they have 2 parents that’s all they need. I’m thinking I’ll be a mother figure, an adult friend but you and Dorothea are the parents.” Danielle stated rather sadly. As much as she wanted to feel included in that bond with him and his kids she doesn’t think there will ever be a spot for her there.
“Baby you’re my family too.” Jon tried again to let her know she is valued.
“I know that Jon but to the kids I’m an intruder. I think it's best that we take this very slowly, I’m your wife but not their mom, they know that and we have to respect that or they are probably going to resent me, according to what I read on the internet anyway, the kids a lot of times will start off that way until they realize I’m not trying to take their mom’s place in their lives, only yours.”
“Oh baby she has no place in my life anymore. Only you.” Jon pulled Dani onto his lap and kissed her so deeply. He could not believe she had taken the time to research this. She continued to amaze him daily at how dedicated to this marriage she really is. He silently swore then and there to do the same. He vowed to put their relationship first because as she’s proven time and again, she deserved it.
At the end of the week at Martha’s Vineyard, Jon and Danielle finally relaxed. When they returned to New Jersey they go back through New York for two reasons, one to pick up the kids and the other to see her fertility Dr. who happened to be practicing in New York that week.
As they get into the Dr.’s office the nurse immediately showed them back due to Jon’s celebrity and not wanting to cause a disturbance in the waiting room. They were only 10 minutes early for their appointment anyway. Dr Wilson comes in and does a brief exam. She can tell by Danielle’s demeanor that things haven’t gone well.
“Danielle talk to me. I need to know what’s going on to help you through it.” Dr Wilson unknowingly opens a can of worms.
“I’ve had sex with Jon every day for 4 months why aren’t I pregnant yet this is getting obnoxious.” Danielle spouted off.
“I don’t think it's obnoxious, I’m having fun.” Jon smiled at Danielle.
“Jon not now.” Danielle states coldly.
“Dr Wilson it really shouldn’t be this hard to get pregnant. Seriously women have been doing it since the beginning of time, what can we do to get me pregnant?”
“Baby that’s what I’m for.” Jon says.
“Well that’s not working Jon we need something else.” Danielle again stated rather coldly not even realizing what that sounded like to Jon.
“Dr Wilson, can you see if there’s another drug therapy we can be put on to increase our chances?” Jon says very businesslike but with an air of dismissal in his voice.
“Absolutely I’ll be right back.”
As soon as the Dr leaves the room Jon looks at Danielle and sets her straight. “In no way is what you just said acceptable. We are in this together, it's not me or you that isn’t cutting it, it's not a blame game woman, we are a couple and we are trying to have a child and you will not ever disrespect me ever again in front of someone if you want to continue to have a happy marriage. Do I make myself clear?” Jon was disgusted at what she just said hopefully this will make it so she thinks before talking next time.
“Jon I didn’t mean” Danielle begins.
“I know you didn’t mean it but it came out anyway and you have to remember I’m your partner in all this not a sperm donor.”
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