Chapter 42
The week passed and slowly the kids opened up a little more to Danielle. Steph pretty much sets the course what she feels is acceptable Jesse will fall in with. The two youngest are the easiest because they pretty much like anyone that will play trucks with them. Steph so far hasn’t decided to like Danielle or not.
“Baby come on we have to do the shot.” Jon tells Danielle after breakfast one morning about a week after the kids joined them.
“Jon seriously?” Danielle sighed.
“Yes seriously, the doctor said to start these today so come on honey, you still want to make a baby don’t you?” The question rose for the first time since she’s had to deal with the kids. Jon wondered suddenly if that’s why Dorothea insisted they take the kids.
“Of course I still want a baby, having your kids here has actually made me want one more. I want our baby honey that you and I can start new traditions with and that I can be called Mommy from.”
“Really? I would have thought they would turn you off from the idea. They haven’t exactly been openly friendly to you.” He said as he walked back to their bedroom holding her hand. He had to administer the medication in her inner thigh so it was best they were alone. Damn he so didn’t want to have to give his wife a shot, why couldn’t they just make a baby like most couples. Truth be told only inside his own head, this sex on a mission thing was getting very old very quick. He wanted to go back to just loving his wife. Too bad she was now even more focused on making a child that it was consuming her. As Dani stood by the bed and undid her pants he moved to the bathroom to get the syringe and the medicine thinking that he’d love it they could stop focusing on so many details and just make a baby out of love. He felt horrible that the experience wasn’t all a thing of love for them. This child wouldn’t be able to have the same story as his other kids.
“Jon what’s wrong I’m about to get a shot and you look like you’re going to cry?” Dani asked her husband.
“Let me give you this and we’ll talk about it ok?” Jon couldn’t back out now; he had to follow through on his promise.
Jon sat down next to her on the bed taking her leg onto his lap and cleaned an area on her inner thigh and as gently as he could he injected her with the medicine.
“FUCK!” She exclaimed.
“I’m sorry baby, we knew it was going to hurt I’m sorry I’m being as gentle as I can.” A tear fell from his eye as he said this.
“Jon it burns, under the skin, it burns.’ Tears fall from Danielle’s eyes as Jon finished the injection and moved the needle to the bedside table before taking her into his arms holding her close to him.
“I’m sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you.”
“Jon it's not your fault honey, it's my stupid body, useless piece of shit can’t even make a baby.” She cried. For the first time since all this started both Jon and Danielle let the tears fall. He told her how disappointed he is that they won’t be able to tell their child that they loved each other so much the baby was born from that love. “Our child will have to be told about the sex on a mission and me hurting you to make your body want to accept my seed so we could make a baby.”
“Jon don’t you think this is the greatest form of love we could show to our child. We love each other so much and want a baby so much we’re willing to go through all of this to make one.” She said softly from her spot cuddled up on his chest.
“That may be true honey but I don’t want to have to tell my next child that I had to give mommy shots so we could make them. It just seems superficial to me. I’m sorry I know I told you we’d do anything to make a baby but knowing I put tears in your eyes just now I don’t ever want to do that again.” Jon admitted to Danielle while gently stroking her back.
“Compromise?” Danielle offered.
“What?” His voice said without emotion as his hand found its way to her hair.
“After this round if I’m not pregnant we stop all medications and say fuck it and adopt.” She couldn’t believe she was saying this, she wasn’t one to give up but seeing her husband cry in frustration and pain was too much, a baby is the goal but getting one at the cost of her and Jon’s well being wasn’t worth it.
“Are you serious Dani? You want to give up after this?” Jon couldn’t believe his ears.
“Jon a baby is supposed to be a happy occasion, the memories of making that baby should be equally as happy. Can you honestly say that every time we’ve had sex you’ve been excited about it and happy to be doing it? As much as I drool over you and as much as I find just looking at you a turn on every now and then I’d like to make love to you and not really care if I cum, just to be with you and connect but we haven’t done that in almost 5 months now. I sometimes don’t feel like we’re making love to connect to one another as much as for your sperm and my egg to connect and that’s just not the way it should be. So yes I’m saying this. If these three shots don’t have magic in them then I’m done listening to the doctors and we can adopt and still have a baby that’s ours.” Danielle said her peace and cried the whole time but as she finished she felt lighter. Maybe she was a wimp, maybe she was weak but it hurt to bad to wish for something that was out of reach but so little but yet so much.
“Baby I’m with you. We can still have a baby and not feel this exhausted by the scenario. I love you Danielle and I want to be a parent with you. Obviously if we can make a baby together that’s my first desire but just like you I want to feel like we’re doing it for the right reasons and we’re loving each other for the right reasons and I’ve felt the same way a few times while we’ve been trying. That’s it's more about the end result than us as a couple. I want to feel like I did the first time I made love to you. Completely in awe that you’re body was mine to love for the rest of our lives. In no uncertain terms I can tell you we can have a baby by Christmas if we adopt. We’ve got the money to make things happen very quickly. We’ll be parents by our anniversary honey one way or another.” Jon moved slowly to kiss her and wanted so bad to love her and himself back to life but before he could get any further with her Jake yelled from the hallway “DADDY”.
“Honey?” He looked at his wife.
“You’re a parent Jon, go play daddy I’m going to lay here for a bit.”
By the third day of the shots Jon and Danielle have come to a understanding that they are comfortable with. Having made the decision that this was the last attempt at having medicine help them make a baby, they both relaxed a bit. Danielle decided one morning to get through to Stephanie one way or another. “Hey Steph?”
“Yes Danielle.” She answered while texting a friend.
“Do you like roller coasters?” Danielle really wanted to get out of the bus and since Jon had interviews all day she needed a co-conspirator.
“I love them why?” Steph actually looked up from her phone. Dad never took her to an amusement park because of his fame so she has only been on them once or twice but she loved them.
“Well I want to get out of the bus and I’m thinking since your dad has to be rock star today you and I could head over to Six Flags and hit some coasters.”
“Did dad ok it?” She asked losing hope.
“No but I don’t need permission to go out.” Danielle didn’t understand why Stephanie suddenly frowned.
“Yeah well talk to me when Dad gives his ok.” She instantly puts her head back down to her phone.
“Get your shoes on we’re leaving in 20 min.” Danielle said walking off to find Jon.
She finds him walking out of room backstage. “Hey sweetie Steph and I are going to be off site all day today but we’ll be back before the show’s over.”
Jon stopped and looked at her. “Where are you two going?” He didn’t know if he liked this.
“Six flags.” She answered not seeing anything wrong.
“NO.” Jon’s eyes bugged out of his head.
“NO – what? You did not just ground me?”
“I didn’t ground you I am however saying no to taking my daughter to an amusement park it's not safe honey, you’ll be mobbed.” Jon explained kissing Danielle softly to make her accept his answer easier.
“Do you plan on coming with us?” She asked.
“No babe you scheduled me a lot of interviews today.” He smiled.
“Exactly so no one will look at us we aren’t recognizable unless you’re with us.”
“Danielle I can’t give my ok on this, Stephanie has been in the public eye to much already.”
“Jon do you trust me?” She asked knowing this would get her clearance to go.
“You know I do and that’s not fair.”
“Jon if you want me to have a chance in hell of ever bonding with your kids you have to let us do this. I’ll keep Kevin on speed-dial so if anything gets the least bit scary I’ll call him immediately. Jon I’m not going to put your daughter at risk.” Thinking that’s all he’s concerned about.
“Honey.” Jon pulled Danielle into his arms, “She’s not the only one I’m worried about. You’ve been seen with me a lot to you’re recognizable too. Baby I love you I can’t risk losing you.”
“Jon please let go of the control for the day. Let me take Steph someplace where she and I can bond. I’ll protect her.” Danielle kisses him and nibbles on his bottom lip.
Jon smacks her ass, “Ok but if anything gets scary you immediately go to a security station and call Kevin.”
“Yes honey.” She kissed him again just as Steph walked up.
“Steph Danielle is completely in charge today you listen to her and if you try to pull the vanishing act with her I swear you’ll be handcuffed to me for the rest of your life.”
“He’s letting us go?” Steph asked shocked.
“Yes I told you we were going, let’s get out of here. By honey. I love you.” Danielle kissed Jon.
“You have your phone?” He asked as she was walking away.
“Yes I love you have a great show.” Danielle smiled and grabbed Steph’s hand and the two of them ran out of the arena into a waiting limo.
~ ~ ~
The entire day Jon is on edge, he called Danielle a few times and she kept smiling and would gently tell him to stop bugging them. One time she was outside of ear shot of Steph and told Jon that if he stopped calling she’d give him head tonight. She hadn’t done that for almost 3 months because of the baby making protocol so he was all about it, “Only if I get to spank you too for being sassy.”
“Alright spanking to but you better find a gag the kids are on the bus.” Jon smiled at her tease told her he loved her and hung up.
About an hour later Danielle texted Jon that she can’t wait to get on her knees for him. An hour after that she texted him that she was going to enjoy sucking on his balls. She kept the tease up until she knew it was show time. This way he’d stay focused on not calling.
That day Danielle and Stephanie finally found common ground, away from her dad and brothers they talked about anything and everything. It was relaxed and fun, Steph realized real quick that Danielle loved her dad completely.
“What about his money?” Steph asked.
“Steph I’m not going to lie to you – it doesn’t suck being rich but you know that. I’m not with your dad for that though sweetie. I love your dad for little things, like when he walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck just because he can. I love that he will lie down to watch a movie and put his head in my lap without asking he just likes to lay like that. It's the kinds of stuff I’ve missed for so long that he gives me. We just have some extra luxury to go along with it.”
After that conversation they go on Batman the Ride again before heading back to the gate. Danielle called Kevin right as they get off the ride and he’s at the gate when they get there.
Steph thanked Danielle with a hug for taking her out and letting her be just a kid today. She then walked on the bus for the night while Danielle went to catch the last part of the show. She stood in a hidden area off to the side of the stage and watched her man seduce the crowd with ease. She moved to his off ramp as he came down during Richie’s solo and smiled at him. “Hey sexy.” She kissed him quick.
“OH fuck woman you are such a tease I love you.” He kissed her again smacking her on the ass and then turned and ran back on stage.
Danielle decided they should have their little romp backstage in his dressing room because at least there the band would get a good laugh but it wouldn’t wake the kids.
She waited in the spot she was at for him and the band to exit the stage for the final time that night. He instantly walked up to her and kissed her hard wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“Can I suck you now?” She asked in his ear.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He purred.
“No I’m just really horny.” She laughed not even trying to hide it from the band. “Take a shower honey I’ll be in your dressing room.” She smiled as she walked towards it as he walked to the showers with the band.
“What’s up with her?” Richie asked as he started stripping to get into the shower.
“She was riding roller coasters today.” Jon answered stepping under the next shower to Richie.
“Yeah something tells me she wants to ride you now.”
“I’m hoping so my brother.” Jon smiled. His life right now couldn’t be better. All of his kids on the road, his wife waiting to please him sexually and the show was amazing.
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