Chapter 41
Chapter 41
“Jon I’m so sorry, I didn’t really mean anything by it I just want a baby.” Danielle explained trying to touch him by putting her hand up on his arm. As much as he wanted to hurt her for what she said he let her touch him, he knew not being able to get pregnant was hitting her very hard. She had wondered for years if she was ‘woman’ enough to make a baby so having it be this hard to do that must be tearing her up inside.
Dr. Wilson walked back in the room, “Jon and Danielle, I found a drug therapy that I think is going to work well. You’re already on Clomid to stimulate ovulation. I’m going to add an injection drug called Repronex. This is a shot you or Jon will have to administer 3 times a month at the peak of your ovulation. This medication prompts your ovaries to produce eggs, normally multiple which will increase your chance of becoming pregnant. I have to warn you the injections aren’t easy they will hurt at the injection site and your moods will be all over the place.”
“I don’t care let’s do it.” Danielle made the decision unilaterally.
“Dr. Wilson can you give us a minute please?” Jon asked the doctor really getting upset with his wife but trying hard not to show it in front of anyone.
“Sure Jon I’ll go get some paperwork together, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
As the doctor walked out of the exam room Jon looked at Danielle. “Look at your left hand please.”
“Jon please.” Danielle sighed exasperated.
“Danielle I’m serious I need you to look at your hand and tell me what you see.” He said from across the exam room.
“Jon we’re in the doctors”
“Danielle now.” Jon all but ordered.
She looked at her hand and smiled at her engagement and wedding rings. Jon quickly stepped up to her standing between her knees still covered in the flimsy sheet from her exam. He took her hand in his and kissed the ring. “Are you planning on making this child alone?”
“Then why don’t you start treating me as part of this. The next time you do something cruel or unilateral as it relates to us you and I are going to have serious problems. I’m already very upset and right now I’m feeling like you lied to me.” Jon explained.
“Lied to you? About what?” Danielle asked. She felt her heart break a little she couldn’t believe Jon was this upset and all she wanted was to be a mom.
“You told me once about what you want from life and that wasn’t a child then. You told me, and I remember this well because it was backstage when I met you in Toronto, I asked you about why Welcome hit you so hard and you told me that you identify with people being different from the masses, but all too often you feel alone in the world you feel like all you want is someone that you can call yours - someone who will put you first in their life. Well damnit woman you have that now fucking respect it. You have the man in your life that puts you first. You never said before you needed a child to be happy you told me you wanted a man you could call yours, I gave you that. Those rings prove it and now you just don’t care about me? I’m not important only this child is?”
“Jon that’s not true, I love you. You matter more than anything”
Jon moved her head up to look him in the eye and asked, “Really?”
“Yes really Jon. I’m sorry ok I want a baby and maybe this isn’t so big to you because you already have 4 of them but I don’t, I want to be a mom now that I know I can be I want it.” Danielle pushed him back and jumped off the exam table and started to get dressed. If she and Jon were going to fight she at least wanted to be fully clothed.
“Dani I told you we will have this baby, I made that commitment to you but the thing is it has to be both of us having the baby or it's not really going to be a child made out of love now is it? Do you want our child’s story to be one of love or desperation?” Jon was getting to the end of his rope with her.
“Love. Jon I love you I really do, I want to take this medication if it’ll help us get pregnant I’m all for it.” Danielle explained again.
“Baby I get that but do you know what she told you about this new drug, were you listening or did you just hear what you wanted?” He called her on it, it was hard for him to say but he knows she only heard the words Dr. Wilson said that made her goal easier.
“Jon you’re right.” She couldn’t even deny it she had heard drug and easier and skipped everything else. “I wasn’t fully listening.”
“Dani this drug is an injection kind which means I’m going to be giving you shots that are going to hurt, the drug itself may cause headaches, crankiness, fatigue are all those things on top of the Clomid side effects, can you handle all of that?” He saw in her eyes that she was dedicated he still didn't quite know to what though, the baby or making one with him and experiencing that joy.
“Yes Jon if it will help us have a baby.” She says fully committed to their child.
“What about the multiple birth possibility are you ok with us possibly having twins?”
“Jon they say that to cover their butts, it's not like it would happen but if it did, I am fine with twins, could you imagine how cute they’d be?” Danielle is lost again on the idea of a child. Jon shrugs as the door opens again knowing that if they did end up having multiples he could hire the staff they needed to help.
After getting the instructions and medicine from the Doctor, Jon and Danielle leave and head to Dorothea’s to pick up the children. It's a bit awkward when they walk in the front door hand in hand, Dot looked at Danielle like she didn’t belong and it took all of everything Danielle had inside her not to verbally fight with Dot. Finally Danielle had to say something though, “Dorothea, I know this is hard for both of us and awkward but I think the only way to make sure the kids grow up in a healthy environment is for you and I to get along. I have no intention of trying to take your place in their lives.”
With that Dot really had nothing to fight with, she couldn’t accuse Danielle of trying to take her place, she couldn’t accuse her of being mean or bitchy she had to accept that Danielle wanted nothing more than to be with Jon and to co-exist with her.
“Ok Danielle I agree with you we really should learn to get along for the kids sake.” Dorothea admits.
Shortly after that Danielle, Jon and all the kids pile into their vehicle and head home to Jersey.
“Dad I love that you’re taking us with you thank you.” Steph tells him.
“So what’s up in New York that you want out so bad?” Jon asked as he looked at her in the rearview mirror.
“It's just so closed. We can’t do anything cos the press is everywhere.” Stephanie explained.
“Yeah dad it sucks we hate it.” Jesse tells him for once agreeing with his sister.
“Steph are you still wanting to work in fashion? If so NY is really where you should be.” Jon asked loving that the kids will talk to him about what they feel, he has a great relationship with all of his kids.
“I’m no so sure. Even when I was interning everyone changed how they treated me as soon as they found out my real last name. Why are people so shallow you made the name famous I didn’t.” She asked again taking a drink of her water.
“Well if you didn’t use Bongiovi what did you use?” Jon didn’t understand how it would have taken anyone time to figure out her name.
“Mom had me use Hurley. Since that’s her last name she says we can use it when we want.” She answered her dad not seeing the vein pop out in his neck. Danielle doesn’t see it either because she’s looking out the window with her iPod on and a earphone on her right ear as she sat quietly waiting to be included in the conversation.
“Right Danielle?” Jon said.
“I’m sorry Jon what was that?” She responded not realizing they were talking to her.
“I said Steph should be proud of her last name.” Jon stated a little annoyed that Danielle wasn’t paying attention to him.
“Absolutely it's who you are Steph no reason to not use it.” She answered Jon with a smile.
Before long they were all getting out of the vehicle at the house and Jon grabbed Dani but the hand and pulled her back to him. “you ok?”
“Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“No you’re not, you were completely quiet on the ride here are you ok?” Jon asked again hoping this time she doesn’t hide her true feelings from him.
“Jon I felt excluded so I just stayed quiet.” Danielle explained to Jon with a slight edge to her voice.
“I’m sorry honey, the kids and I are always motor mouths when we first see each other. We’ll be better about including you I promise. Come on lets go inside before they destroy the house.” Jon kisses her tenderly and grabbed her hand began leading her inside.
As they walk inside Jon calls for the kids and when they walk around various counters and answer ‘what’ to him he smiles and asks, “Hey guys Dani doesn’t know our routine so can we help her out and be a little verbal so she can play along with us.”
“What dad means Danielle is that we play hide and seek when we see each other. Since you’re new YOU’RE IT!” Jesse laughs and all the kids and Jon take off running in opposite directions, Danielle laughs turning around and facing the wall she counts to 50. “Ready or not here I come.”
As Danielle found one kid after another they hugged her because she played with them. None of them however would tell her where Daddy was. Finally 30 minutes after starting the game she found Jon in his tanning bed in the gym wearing only a pair of briefs.
“I leave you alone for a bit and you get self indulgent?” Danielle laughed at Jon as she found him.
“Hey I figured might as well make good use of my time. Did you find all the kids?” He laughed getting out of the tanning bed and looking very sexy.
“That’s not fair you know?”
“What Del?” Jon smiles knowing she wanted to jump him just but the cloudiness in her eyes.
“you enjoy teasing your wife don’t you? You enjoy making me want to push you against the wall and crawl up your body until you can’t handle it yourself and slide inside of me coming home.” Danielle smiled knowing from the change in the blue of his eyes her tease was working on him too.
“Behave woman.” Jon warned his underwear already annoying the hell out of him for becoming too tight too quickly.
“What? Fair is fair right? Didn’t you just leave me alone with all of your kids for 30 minutes don’t you think it's fair I get to make one now?” Danielle teased by rubbing her hand over the evident bulge in the front of his briefs.
“Del baby you know if I had my way I’d take you here and now, but the kids need attention.”
“They have it Jesse is feeding them. Take me Jon I need you.” Danielle kisses and then nibbles on his neck.
“Get on the weight bench on your knees.” Jon quickly drops his underwear and strokes his cock watching her get ready for him. Damn she looks so good when she’s needy for him. As she moves into position Jon quickly locks the door to the gym before taking her for a ride. It's quick and hot, gets the job done and before another 30 minutes are up both of them are dressed and up in the kitchen.
“You found him” Romeo smiles.
“Yes Romeo he hides pretty good why didn’t you tell me that?” Danielle asks him messing his hair.
“It a secret.” He states with a tone to it letting her know she should already know that.
Everyone in the kitchen laughed and continued to enjoy a quiet day off.
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